Parse Server:我需要在防火墙中打开哪些端口才能接收 ios 推送通知? (APNS)

Parse Server: Which ports do I need to open in my firewall for ios push notifications? (APNS)

我尝试在自己的服务器上设置 parse。我得到它 运行.

我需要在防火墙中打开哪些端口才能通过 APNS ios 推送通知?


  1. TCP port 5223 (used by devices to communicate to the APNs servers)
  2. TCP port 2195 (used to send notifications to the APNs)
  3. TCP port 2196 (used by the APNs feedback service)
  4. TCP Port 443 (for https access to the API)


您需要打开以下端口以通过 APNS ios 推送通知:

TCP 端口 2195(用于向 APNs 发送通知)

A​​pple 提供 full list 其软件和产品使用的端口。

A​​PNS 根据此列表使用端口 2195、2196 和 5223。

但是根据这个 Apple support page :

,您仍然必须为仅 wi-fi 网络打开端口 443

If you use Wi-Fi behind a firewall or a private Access Point Name (APN) for cellular data, you'll need a direct, unproxied connection to the APNs servers on these ports:

  • TCP port 5223: For communicating with Apple Push Notification services (APNs)
  • TCP port 2195: For sending notifications to APNs
  • TCP port 2196: For the APNs feedback service
  • TCP port 443: For a fallback on Wi-Fi only, when devices can't reach APNs on port 5223