为什么 "optimx" 在 R 中更改起始值时会给出不同的结果?

Why "optimx" in R give different results when changing the starting values?

我需要使用 "optimx" 但我发现当我更改起始 values.Is 时输出会改变,这是正常的还是我的脚本有错误?:

  dat1 <- array(1:60, c(3,5,4));dat2 <- array(1:60, c(3,5,4));dat3 <- array(1:60, c(3,5,4))
  #reorder dimensions 
  dat1 <- aperm(dat1, c(3,1,2)); dat2 <- aperm(dat2, c(3,1,2));dat3 <- aperm(dat3, c(3,1,2))
   #make array a matrix 
  dat1a <- dat1;dim(dat1a) <- c(dim(dat1)[1],prod(dim(dat1)[2:3])) 
  dat2a <- dat2;dim(dat2a) <- c(dim(dat2)[1],prod(dim(dat2)[2:3])) 
  dat3a <- dat3;dim(dat3a) <- c(dim(dat3)[1],prod(dim(dat3)[2:3])) 


   fun <- function(x1, x2, y) {
    keep <- !(is.na(x1) | is.na(x2) | is.na(y))
     if (sum(keep) > 0) { 
        best=function(p,x1, x2, y){
   sum((y [keep]-(((p[1]*x1[keep]+p[2]*x2[keep]+p[3])^p[4])+p[5]))^2)}
      res <- optimx(c(0.5,3,4,0.1,1.8),best,x1=x1,x2=x2,y=y)
     res  <- coef(res)[1:5] 
      } else {    res <- c(NA, NA, NA,NA,NA)  }

     res2 <- mapply(fun, x1=as.data.frame(dat1a), x2=as.data.frame(dat2a), y=as.data.frame(dat3a))


        V1         V2         V3          V4         V5         V6         V7
[1,] -6.4508094  4.3192551 -4.4118228  0.96978160 -5.3236129  1.7360552  6.7636543
[2,] -0.7073374 -0.7404623 -0.7490429 -0.56937504 -0.6729419 -0.7373379 -0.7387721


   # same function but I changed the starting values
    fun=function(x1, x2, y) {
       keep <- !(is.na(x1) | is.na(x2) | is.na(y))
       if (sum(keep) > 0) { 
    best=function(p,x1, x2, y){
        sum((y [keep]-(((p[1]*x1[keep]+p[2]*x2[keep]+p[3])^p[4])+p[5]))^2)}
    res <- optimx(c(1,1,1,1,1),best,x1=x1,x2=x2,y=y)
    res  <- coef(res)[1:5] 
} else {   res <- c(NA, NA, NA,NA,NA)    }
 res3 <- mapply(fun, x1=as.data.frame(dat1a), x2=as.data.frame(dat2a), y=as.data.frame(dat3a))


 V1         V2         V3         V4        V5        V6         V7        V8
 [1,]  0.6018246  0.1993663 -0.2520812 -0.1702029 -1.176793 -6.513526 -0.1749120 -1.329519
 [2,]  7.6637890  3.4957285  3.0466838  2.2510481  1.601970  1.245830  1.0175985  0.852469

您的脚本没有错误。这就是优化器的工作方式。在您的情况下,您使用 optimx 和默认参数(即未指定方法以及上下参数),这意味着内部 optimx 将使用基本 R optim 函数默认 Nelder-Mead 方法。

我引用 Wikipedia(这可能不是最好的来源,但它解释正确):

The Nelder–Mead method or downhill simplex method or amoeba method is a commonly used nonlinear optimization technique, which is a well-defined numerical method for problems for which derivatives may not be known. However, the Nelder–Mead technique is a heuristic search method that can converge to non-stationary points[1] on problems that can be solved by alternative methods.[2]

上面引用的关键字,我已经突出显示的是 heuristic:

Heuristic, is any approach to problem solving, learning, or discovery that employs a practical methodology not guaranteed to be optimal or perfect, but sufficient for the immediate goals.

因此,optim 函数试图在您的案例中找到一个局部最小值,这将提供一个快速的次优解决方案(即它没有找到全局最小值)。这是出于速度和计算目的。



This 是我发现的另一个类似的问题,给出了很好的解释。