C# 程序不工作,控制台输出空白

C# program not working, blank console output


using System;
namespace here
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            double width, height, woodLength, glassArea;
            string widthString, heightString;
            widthString = Console.ReadLine();
            width = double.Parse(widthString);
            heightString = Console.ReadLine();
            height = double.Parse(heightString);
            woodLength = 2 * ( width + height ) * 3.25 ;
            glassArea = 2 * ( width * height ) ;
            Console.WriteLine ( "The length of the wood is " + woodLength + " feet" ) ;
            Console.WriteLine( "The area of the glass is " + glassArea + " square metres" ) ;


using System;

namespace here
    class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

我什至尝试卸载我所有的防病毒软件,正如我在其他 post 中读到的那样。没有任何变化。

widthString = Console.ReadLine(); 等待,直到在键盘上输入内容并按下 Enter 键。

为程序输入两个值(宽度和高度,用 space 分隔)并按回车键显示输出。

(我假设您是 C# 编程的新手 - 希望这对您有所帮助!)

您的程序正在正确执行。 控制台是空白的,因为您没有在提示的开头打印任何内容。 试试这个

    using System;
    namespace here {
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            double width, height, woodLength, glassArea;
            string widthString, heightString;
            Console.WriteLine ("Enter width");
            widthString = Console.ReadLine();
            width = double.Parse(widthString);
            Console.WriteLine ("Enter height");

            heightString = Console.ReadLine();
            height = double.Parse(heightString);
            woodLength = 2 * ( width + height ) * 3.25 ;
            glassArea = 2 * ( width * height ) ;
            Console.WriteLine ( "The length of the wood is " +
                woodLength + " feet" ) ;
            Console.WriteLine( "The area of the glass is " +
                glassArea + " square metres" ) ;


正如 Aniruddha Varma 所说,您正在使用 Console.ReadLine()。这是等待你输入到控制台。如果您输入两个数字,程序就会打印出来。程序暂停,等待您输入内容然后按回车键。然后第二个 Readline 函数做同样的事情。输入两个值后,函数的其余部分将按您预期的方式继续。例如我输入:

    The length of the wood is 39 feet
    The area of the glass is 16 square meters


static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine("Starting program...");   
    double width, height, woodLength, glassArea;
    string widthString, heightString;

    Console.WriteLine("Enter width: ");
    widthString = Console.ReadLine();
    width = double.Parse(widthString);

    Console.WriteLine("Enter height: ");
    heightString = Console.ReadLine();
    height = double.Parse(heightString);

    woodLength = 2 * ( width + height ) * 3.25 ;
    glassArea = 2 * ( width * height ) ;
    Console.WriteLine ( "The length of the wood is " + woodLength + " feet" ) ;
    Console.WriteLine( "The area of the glass is " + glassArea + " square metres" ) ;