使用 Firefox 扩展以编程方式在书签工具栏中为页面添加书签

Programmatically bookmark pages in bookmark toolbar using firefox extension

我正在尝试制作一个 firefox 扩展,为当前页面添加书签并在书签工具栏中添加一个条目。使用找到的文档中的示例 here 我只能为 link 添加书签,但不能使其出现在书签工具栏中。我无法在文档或与此相关的 google 上找到任何有用的信息。


let { Bookmark, save } = require("sdk/places/bookmarks");

// Create a new bookmark instance, unsaved
let bookmark = Bookmark({ title: "Test", url: "http://mozilla.org" });

// Attempt to save the bookmark instance to the Bookmarks database
// and store the emitter
let emitter = save(bookmark);


尝试将 group 设置为 TOOLBAR,如下所示:

let { Bookmark, TOOLBAR, save } = require("sdk/places/bookmarks");

// Create a new bookmark instance, unsaved
let bookmark = Bookmark({
    title: "Test",
    url: "http://mozilla.org",
    group: TOOLBAR,

// Attempt to save the bookmark instance to the Bookmarks database
// and store the emitter
let emitter = save(bookmark);


页面的 this part 上有更多信息


let { Bookmark, TOOLBAR, save } = require("sdk/places/bookmarks");

// Create a new bookmark instance, unsaved
let bookmark = Bookmark({
    title: "Test",
    url: "http://mozilla.org",
    group: TOOLBAR

// Attempt to save the bookmark instance to the Bookmarks database
// and store the emitter
let emitter = save(bookmark);