为什么 Coq 在我的条款前面加上 "Top."?

Why is Coq prepending "Top." to my terms?


The term "H1" has type
 "C Top.d2 w21"
while it is expected to have type
 "C d2 w21".


Inductive D : Type := 
  | d1 : D
  | d2 : D
  | d3 : D


In environment
w, w1, w2, w3 : W
H : hide s0 =
    (w1 :: w2 :: w3 :: nil)%list
H1C : C d1 w1
H2C : C Top.d2 w2
H3C : C Top.d3 w3
w11 : W
H11 : pick d1 w1 =
      (w11 :: nil)%list
H11P : P d1 w11
w21 : W
H21 : pick d1 w2 =
      (w21 :: nil)%list
H21P : P d1 w21
w31 : W
H31 : pick d1 w3 =
      (w31 :: nil)%list
H31P : P d1 w31
H0 : C d1 w11
H1 : C Top.d2 w21
H2 : C Top.d3 w31
w112, w113 : W
d2, d3 : D
H11Open : open w11 =
          (w112 :: w113 :: nil)%list
D21 : d2 <> d1
D31 : d3 <> d1
D23 : d2 <> d3
H112O : O d2 w112
H113O : O d3 w113
The term "H1" has type
 "C Top.d2 w21"
while it is expected to have type
 "C d2 w21".

我不明白为什么只有 "d2" 和 "d3" 收到 "Top." 前缀并导致问题。我对 "d2" 和 "d3" 没有做任何不同的事情,我没有为 d1 做过。

为什么 Coq 错误地添加了这个前缀?



Lemma changeprob: [ (At s0 (probPred Vic (cons hide (cons (pick d1) (cons open (cons (pick d2) nil) ) ) ) (2 # 3))) ].
Proof. mv.
unfold At.
unfold probPred.
unfold prob.
destruct (hide2 s0) as [w1 [w2 [w3 H ]]].  (* H : hide s0 =
(w1 :: w2 :: w3 :: nil)%list /\
C d1 w1 /\ C d2 w2 /\ C d3 w3 *)
destruct H as [H [H1C [H2C H3C]]].
rewrite H. simpl.
destruct (pick2 w1 d1) as [w11 [H11 H11P]].
destruct (pick2 w2 d1) as [w21 [H21 H21P]].
destruct (pick2 w3 d1) as [w31 [H31 H31P]].
rewrite H11; rewrite H21; rewrite H31; simpl.
assert (C d1 w11). (* H0 *)
  apply (frame w1 d1 d1 H1C); unfold r; unfold is_in; rewrite H11; left; reflexivity.

  assert (C d2 w21). (* H1 *)
    apply (frame w2 d2 d1 H2C); unfold r; unfold is_in; rewrite H21; left; reflexivity.

    assert (C d3 w31). (* H2 *)
      apply (frame w3 d3 d1 H3C); unfold r; unfold is_in; rewrite H31; left; reflexivity.

  destruct (open1 w11 d1 H0 H11P) as [w112 [w113 [d2 [d3 [H11Open [D21 [D31 [D23 [H112O H113O]]]]] ]]]].
  destruct (open2 w21 d2 d1 H1 H21P) as [w213 HNN]. (* This line throws the error *)

"frame"、"hide2"、"pick2"、"open1" 和 "open2" 是公理(如下所示)。

请注意,H0、H1 和 H2 是通过 "assert" 以完全相同的方式创建的。同样的,H1C、H2C、H3C也是通过"destruct"以完全相同的方式创建的。但是,出于某种原因,Coq 在 d2 和 d3 之前添加了 "Top." 前缀,但没有在 d1 之前添加。 "Top." 仅出现在错误消息中。它不会出现在 CoqIDE 右上面板显示的输出中。

另请注意,上面证明脚本中的倒数第二个 "destruct" 策略工作得很好,因为 Coq 没有将 "Top." 前缀添加到 H0 中的 d1。另一方面,最后的 "destruct" 策略触发了错误,因为 Coq 在 H1 中为 d2 添加了 "Top." 前缀。

那么,为什么 Coq 添加 "Top." 前缀?为什么它只对我的一些术语这样做,即使我以相同的方式创建术语? "Top." 前缀是什么?如何防止 Coq 添加它?



Axiom hide2: forall w, exists w1 w2 w3, (hide w) = (cons w1 (cons w2 (cons w3 nil))) /\ (C d1 w1) /\ (C d2 w2) /\ (C d3 w3). 

Axiom pick2: forall w, forall d, exists w1, (pick d w) = (cons w1 nil) /\ (P d w1).

Axiom frame: [mforall d, mforall dp, (C d) m-> (box (pick dp) (C d)) ].

Axiom open1: forall w, forall d, ((C d) w) -> ((P d) w) -> exists w1 w2 d1 d2, (open w) = (cons w1 (cons w2 nil)) /\ ~(d1 = d) /\ ~(d2 = d) /\ ~(d1 = d2) /\ (O d1 w1) /\ (O d2 w2).

Axiom open2: forall w, forall d, forall dd, ((C d) w) -> ((P dd) w) -> exists w1, (open w) = (cons w1 nil) /\ exists do, ~(do = d) /\ ~(do = dd) /\ (O do w1).


Module A.

  Definition u := 3.
  Lemma v : u = u.
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

End A.

Import A.
Definition u := 4.
Print v.