使用 HMM 的 pmtk 库时,输入类型 'double' 的未定义函数或变量 'logsumexp'?

Undefined function or variable 'logsumexp' for input type 'double' when using the pmtk library for HMM?

我正在使用 pmtk library for continuous observations in HMM for my project. While using the function hmmFit, it is returning the error as stated above. I thought the path of function is missing but the function itself is not in the library. There is already an issue 在 GitHub 中打开,不幸的是没有解决方案。有什么可以帮助我吗?谢谢。

您没有安装依赖项mentioned in the readme. The missing function is part of the lightspeed toolbox。您不必单独安装依赖项,支持包会收集所有依赖项。