用于 3D 矩阵的 Matlab Accumarray

Matlab Accumarray for 3D matrix

我真的希望文档能更清楚地说明在 Matlab 中将 accumarray 用于 N 维大小矩阵。无论如何,我在这里完全困惑并寻求一些建议。这是挑战:

我有一个 3D 数据矩阵。

对于这个例子,我们假设每个观察值是在 5 分钟的时间间隔内流过仪表的水量。但是,我现在希望将数据重新采样为 N 分钟的间隔(显然是 5 的倍数)。让我们选择 NMINS = 15.

所以,我想做的是在 NMINS 分钟间隔内求出水量的总和或平均值。也就是说,ROWS 和 COLUMNS 不会改变,但 PAGES 的维度和值将是 decimated/aggregated.




NMINS   = 15; % Bucket by every 15 mins or 20, etc.
N5MINS  = 5 * 12 * 24 * 2; % Keep small - Two days of 5 min datenums
dnums   = datenum(2016,3,20,0,0:5:N5MINS,0);
% Trim dnums to start at random time for edge case and keep only mins
mins    = rem(dnums(25:end-30),1)';    % Create column vector


rng(123); % Set seed for reproducibility
X       = randi(100,12,9,length(mins)); % Test matrix


[~,~,~,H,M] = datevec( mins );
H       = 60 .* (H - H(1));


idxMIN  = mod( M+H, NMINS )==0;
idxNewP = idxMIN;          % This is used to align the new river matrix
[R,C,P] = size(X);         % We'll drop P and use newP
newP    = sum(idxNewP); % Number of PAGES in final matrix (new)
% Final newX will have dimensions [R,C,newP]


% Must shift one all as minute intervals represent data UP to that point
% for the actual grouping of data. Test if first bucket is a 
% match and set accordingly
if idxMIN(1)
    idxMIN = [1; idxMIN(1:end-1)]; 
    subs = cumsum(idxMIN);
    idxMIN = [0; idxMIN(1:end-1)];
    subs = cumsum(idxMIN) + 1 ;

加法: 团队规模不会一致,我不能(遗憾地)做出这样的假设。 运行考虑以上内容后考虑以下内容。

tsttbl = table();
tsttbl.dnumstr = datestr(mins(1:5));
tsttbl.Mins    = M(1:5);
tsttbl.subs    = subs(1:5);

输出显示第一组的大小为 1:

tsttbl = 

    dnumstr     Mins    subs
    ________    ____    ____

     2:00 AM     0      1   
     2:05 AM     5      2   
     2:10 AM    10      2   
     2:15 AM    15      2   
     2:20 AM    20      3  




如何设置 subs 值以沿每个页面应用以使用 accumarray?我完全被文档弄糊涂了。或者这实际上是错误的方法?对于它的价值,我正在使用 Matlab 2015b。


替代解决方案 这在回家的路上打击了我。 Meshgrid 是我的朋友...

一旦上面的单元格已经 运行(注意我改变了矩阵 X 的大小),我们为整个矩阵创建索引,其中页面的 "indices"(即时间) 由 "subs" 中的值给出。为此,我使用了 meshgrid。

[days,rivers,pages] = meshgrid(1:C,1:R,subs);
grpvals = [rivers(:) days(:) pages(:)];
tst     = accumarray(grpvals,X(:),[R C newP],@sum);

可能不是最有效的内存,因为我必须基本上创建天数、河流和页面矩阵,然后最终创建一个新的 grpvals 数组。但是,它的优点是现在我可以使用 accumarray 并传递匿名函数、@std 等。





  1. reshape 沿第 4 个维度构建要聚合的组。现在第 3 个维度指的是每个组的元素,第 4 个维度指的是组。
  2. sum 沿第 3 个维度(每个组)。
  3. squeeze 输出现在的单例第 3 维以恢复 3D 数组。


X = randi(9,2,3,6); %// example data. 3D array.
G = 2; %// group size along 3rd dim. Divides size(X,3)
result = squeeze(sum(reshape(X, size(X,1), size(X,2), G, []), 3));

例如 G = 2,

X(:,:,1) =
     2     3     9
     4     5     9
X(:,:,2) =
     3     8     2
     6     9     8
X(:,:,3) =
     4     4     4
     1     1     7
X(:,:,4) =
     9     9     8
     2     4     1
X(:,:,5) =
     9     5     9
     3     5     8
X(:,:,6) =
     9     1     3
     5     3     1


result(:,:,1) =
     5    11    11
    10    14    17
result(:,:,2) =
    13    13    12
     3     5     8
result(:,:,3) =
    18     6    12
     8     8     9


由于 accumarray 不适用于多维数组(甚至矩阵)作为第二个输入,您可以沿 行使用矩阵乘法。为此,您需要将 3D 数组的前两个维度打包成一维(最后将解包),并从组索引构建一个零一矩阵,该矩阵将通过矩阵乘法给出所需的结果。

X = randi(9,2,3,5); %// example data. 3D array.
subs = [1 2 2 1 1]; %// indices of groups. Groups may differ in size, and indices
                    %// need not be sorted
Y = reshape(X, [], size(X,3)); %// reshape into a matrix. Groups are along rows
M = full(sparse(1:numel(subs), subs, 1)); %// indicator matrix from group indices
result = reshape(Y*M, size(X,1), size(X,2), []); %// compute result and reshape 


X(:,:,1) =
     9     3     8
     6     8     8
X(:,:,2) =
     3     8     3
     7     2     2
X(:,:,3) =
     7     3     6
     2     8     5
X(:,:,4) =
     7     4     5
     8     8     6
X(:,:,5) =
     2     3     2
     2     8     8

subs =
     1     2     2     1     1


result(:,:,1) =
    18    10    15
    16    24    22
result(:,:,2) =
    10    11     9
     9    10     7