启动应用程序时使用 pg-promise 验证数据库连接

Verify database connection with pg-promise when starting an app

我正在构建一个使用 pg-promise 模块连接到 postgres 数据库的快速应用程序。



const express = require("express");

const databaseConfig= {
  "host": "localhost",
  "port": 5432,
  "database": "library_app",
  "user": "postgres"

const pgp = require("pg-promise")({});
const db = pgp(databaseConfig);

const app = express();
const port = 5000;

app.listen(port, (err) => {
  console.log(`running server on port: ${port}`);

当前配置将启动 express 服务器不管数据库连接是否有效,这不是我想要的行为。


const db = pgp(databaseConfig).catch((err) => { // blow up });

但这没有用,因为 pgp 没有 return 承诺。



const db = pgp(connection);

...它所做的一切 - 创建对象,但它不会尝试连接。该库建立在连接池之上,只有实际的查询方法才从池中请求连接。

From the official documentation:

Object db represents the database protocol, with lazy database connection, i.e. only the actual query methods acquire and release the connection. Therefore, you should create only one global/shared db object per connection details.

但是,您可以强制连接,通过调用方法 connect, as shown further. And while this method is not a recommended way for chaining queries (Tasks 应该用于此),它通常可以方便地检查连接。

我从自己的 post 复制了示例:https://github.com/vitaly-t/pg-promise/issues/81


const initOptions = {
    // global event notification;
    error(error, e) {
        if (e.cn) {
            // A connection-related error;
            // Connections are reported back with the password hashed,
            // for safe errors logging, without exposing passwords.
            console.log('CN:', e.cn);
            console.log('EVENT:', error.message || error);
const pgp = require('pg-promise')(initOptions);
// using an invalid connection string:
const db = pgp('postgresql://userName:password@host:port/database');
    .then(obj => {
        // Can check the server version here (pg-promise v10.1.0+):
        const serverVersion = obj.client.serverVersion;

        obj.done(); // success, release the connection;
    .catch(error => {
        console.log('ERROR:', error.message || error);


CN: postgresql://userName:########@host:port/database EVENT: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND host host:5432 ERROR: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND host host:5432

库中的每个错误首先通过全局 error 事件处理程序报告,然后才在相应的 .catch 处理程序中报告错误。


测试连接的现代方法 + 一步获取服务器版本:

// tests connection and returns Postgres server version,
// if successful; or else rejects with connection error:
async function testConnection() {
    const c = await db.connect(); // try to connect
    c.done(); // success, release connection
    return c.client.serverVersion; // return server version


作为替代方案,在我升级 pg-promise 包之前,none 对我有用