
What is the mean of [-] and [+] in silktest script

我有一个项目可以将 Silk Test 转换为其他一些 GUI 测试框架。我无法理解 [-][+] 符号如何组织 Silk Test 脚本。 有没有人帮我理解这句话的意思?这是一个示例脚本

        [+] if(AssignSymbolToCatalogNumber.Exists(4))
            [ ] AssignSymbolToCatalogNumber.setActive()
            [ ] Sleep(1)
            [ ] AssignSymbolToCatalogNumber.notMapToCatalog.SetFocus()
            [ ] AssignSymbolToCatalogNumber.notMapToCatalog.Click()
        [ ] WaitForDialogExists (Keep)
        [-] if !Keep1.Exists (1)
            [ ] ResLog.LogFail ("The number {i} Keep dialog did not pop up!")
            [ ] goto EndProgram
        [-] else
            [ ] Keep1.SetActive ()
            [ ] Keep1.RadioList1RL.Select ("#1")
            [ ] Keep1.ShowEditDialogAfterEachCK.Check ()
            [ ] Keep1.OK.Click ()
        [ ] 
        [ ] WaitForDialogExists (InsertEditChildComponent)
        [-] if !InsertEditChildComponent.Exists (1)
            [ ] ResLog.LogFail ("Insert/Edit child component dialog did not pop up!")
            [ ] goto EndProgram
        [-] else
            [ ] InsertEditChildComponent.SetActive ()
            [ ] InsertEditChildComponent.ParentSiblingPB.Click ()
        [ ] 
        [ ] Sleep (1)

在 Silk Test 的 4Test 语言中,块由缩进中的附加 tab 字符表示,类似于 Python。

[+][-] 标签向代码编辑器指示新块开始并编码该块的折叠状态。这意味着当你折叠 IDE 中的那个方块时,它会变成 [-],如果你再次打开它,它会变成 [+].
