默认值受 haskell 中的存在约束

Default values subject to existential constraint in haskell


class Constraint a b where
  g :: a -> b

对于约束的所有实例,我们可以派生出一组类型 a,本质上是一个隐式类型类,我们称它为 A。对于类型类 A 的每个实例,还有另一个隐式类型类 B,它包括 Constraint A b.

的所有可能类型 b


{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Debug.Trace

-- Contraining class
class (Show a, Show b) => QandA a b where
  g :: a -> b

-- Some data types
data A = A1 | A2 deriving (Show, Eq)
data B = B1 | B2 deriving (Show, Eq)
data C = C1 | C2 deriving (Show, Eq)

instance QandA A B where
  g A1 = B1
  g A2 = B2

instance QandA A C where
  g A1 = C1
  g A2 = C2

-- We want to define a set of types that includes all the types that
-- have Constraint a b given a. This can be done via an intermediate
-- type.
data DefaultAnswer q = forall a . (DefaultingQuestion q, QandA q a) => DefaultAnswer {answer :: a};

-- Polymorphism
class DefaultingQuestion q where
  def :: DefaultAnswer q

instance DefaultingQuestion A where
  def = DefaultAnswer C1

在 ghci 中进行类型检查

> (def :: DefaultAnswer A)
(def :: DefaultAnswer A) :: DefaultAnswer A


> answer (def :: DefaultAnswer A)
    Cannot use record selector "answer" as a function due to escaped type variables
    Probable fix: use pattern-matching syntax instead
    In the expression: answer (def :: DefaultAnswer A)
    In an equation for "it": it = answer (def :: DefaultAnswer A)

现在我的理解是,因为我使用存在类型,GHC 并不真正寻找 answer 的类型,它只是确保可能有一个,即使它没有办法找出它是哪一个。所以当我真正想要 运行 answer 时,它无法弄清楚如何处理它。

所以我的问题是:有没有办法为实现 DefaultingQuestion



import Data.Proxy

class DefaultingQuestion q a where
  def :: Proxy q -> a

instance DefaultingQuestion A where
  def _ = C1