如何使用数据模型循环过滤项目并隐藏 Excel 数据透视表中的项目?

How do I loop through the filter items and hide items in an Excel PivotTable using the Data Model?

我一直在 VBA 中使用普通的 PivotTables,但我最近在使用数据模型的 Pivot Tables 上发现了一些我非常喜欢的特性——主要是'Distinct Count'。我在一个正常的数据透视表 table 中有一些代码,它过滤 table 记录 'Like' 一个字符串,它工作得很好。我如何使用数据模型将此代码转换为 Pivot Table?

With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("Metrics").PivotFields("Reference number")
    .Orientation = xlPageField
    .Position = 1
    .EnableMultiplePageItems = True

    For i = 1 To .PivotItems.Count
         If .PivotItems(i).Name Like "*oran*" Then
            .PivotItems(i).Visible = False
        End If
    Next i

End With


ActiveSheet.PivotTables("Metrics").PivotFields("[RawData].[Status].[Status]"). _
VisibleItemsList = Array("[RawData].[Status].&[apple_434]", _
"[RawData].[Status].&[banana_689]", _
"[RawData].[Status].&[orange_1346]", _

这是我前进的方向,但我在访问 VisibleItemsList 数组时遇到了一些问题:

With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("Metrics").PivotFields("[RawData].[Status].[Status]")    
    For i = 0 To UBound(.VisibleItemsList)
        If i Like "*oran*" Then
            i = ""
            Debug.Print i
        End If
    Next i 
End With

输出 i 是数字 0,1,2,3,4 -- 不是文本,数字似乎与过滤器列表中的项目数不对应。我不知道如何访问这些项目,所以我可以使用代码显示或隐藏我想要的项目。老实说,我使用数组的时间并不长。


Dim sC As SlicerCache
Dim sL As SlicerCacheLevel
Dim aArray() As Variant

'create a slicer cache. I just used a recorded macro to get the cache code
ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches.Add2(ActiveSheet.PivotTables("Metrics"), _
    "[RawData].[Status]").Slicers.Add ActiveSheet, "[RawData].[Status].[Status]", _
    "Status", "Status", 141.75, 424.5, 144, 198.75

Set sC = ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Status")
Set sL = sC.SlicerCacheLevels(1) 'this will start with the first item in the slicer

    With sL
        For i = 1 To .Count
            If sL.SlicerItems.Item(i).Name Like "*oran*" Then
                GoTo nextiteration 'this will skip over anything
                                   'like oran when saving to the array
            End If

            ReDim Preserve aArray(0 To i) As Variant
            aArray(i) = sL.SlicerItems.Item(i).Name

        Next i
            sC.VisibleSlicerItemsList = aArray 'this set the visible items 
                                               '= to the array you just created
            'ActiveSheet.Shapes("Status").Visible = False 
            'to hide this slicer, uncomment the line above
    End With

This Post by Paul te Braak provided the bulk of the solution. I also used this tutorial for some help with saving items to arrays. This Whosebug answer 也帮助了我。感谢 -GregGalloway 和 -jeffreyweir:在查看您提供的链接时,我想到了使用切片器搜索解决方案。


<your other code goes here>

dim v as Variant, xlPT as Excel.PivotTable, str as String
str = vbNullString
set xlPT = xlBook.PivotTables("MyPivot")
with xlPT
    for each v in .PivotFields("[table].[field]").PivotItems
        select case Right(Left(v.Name, Len(v.Name) - 1), 4) 'my variables are 4-char strings
                                ' But you can manipulate this piece to match your need
            case "1234", "4312", "4321", "7462", "etc."
                str = str & v.Name & ";"
        end select
    next v
    .CubeFields("[table].[field]").PivotFields(1).VisibleItemsList = Split(str, ";")
end with

<the rest of your code goes here>

这里的关键知识点是 CubeField 对象包含一个只有 1 个成员的 PivotFields 集合,我们可以使用其中的 VisibleItemsList

希望这对以后的人有所帮助。快乐 SO'ing