在 eclipse 中解析 hprof 文件时发生内部错误

Internal error occured in parsing hprof file in eclipse

使用 MemoryAnalyzer(eclipse 插件)检查内存。 我可以生成 hprof 文件,但无法在 eclipse 中打开。 出现以下内部错误。

打开 hprof 文件时内存分析器本身 运行 内存不足。


Well, analyzing big heap dumps can also require more heap space. Give it some more memory (possible by running on a 64-bit machine):

MemoryAnalyzer.exe -vmargs -Xmx4g -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit

Alternatively, edit the MemoryAnalyzer.ini to contain:



If you are running the Memory Analyzer inside your Eclipse SDK, you need to edit the eclipse.ini file.