vb.net 个对象 属性 个值更改事件
vb.net objects property value changed event
我正在寻找一种方法来实现对象 class 的 属性 更改事件。每当某个值发生变化时,它需要重新计算项目质量。
我搜索了一些主题并可能找到了解决方案,对我来说唯一的问题是 c#
Link to topic c#
在进行更多挖掘后,如果还找到 vb.net 解决方案,请在答案中参考 MSDN 页面。但是那里的样本被删除了。
Link to topic vb.net
How to: Implement Property Change Notification
但如果我检查当前框架,它会显示:"This topic is no longer available"
所以我猜测在更改框架期间此事件发生了一些变化?或者这仍然是 vb.net 解决方案中描述的执行此操作的有效方法吗?
添加代码 class
Public Class BodyComponent
' Basic properties that are required for all of the bodycompenents
' regardless of the type.
<Browsable(True)> Public Property Type()
<Browsable(True)> Public Property Height() As Double
<Browsable(True)> Public Property Thickness() As Double
<Browsable(True)> Public Property Elevation() As Double
<Browsable(True)> Public Property Auto_Diameter() As Boolean
<Browsable(True)> Public Property Diameter() As Double
<Browsable(True)> Public Property Mass() As Double
' Type Enum that defines what kind of body component is created.
Public Enum BodyComponentType
Cylinder = 0001
Cone_reduction = 0002
End Enum
Public Class Body_Cylinder
' Get the base properties
Inherits BodyComponent
' Set new properties that are only required for cylinders
Public Property Segments() As Integer
Public Property LW_Orientation() As Double
Public Shared Count As Integer = 0
Public Sub New()
count = count + 1
End Sub
' Remove Cylinder from collection and change the count
Public Shared Sub delete_cylinder(ByVal oItem As Integer, ByRef oBinding As BindingSource)
Count = Count - 1
End Sub
' Calculate mass
Private Sub Calc_mass()
' HACK: create material list where rho is defined for other
' material types
Dim rho As Double
rho = 8
Dim oVolume As Double
oVolume = Math.PI / 4 * ((Diameter + 2 * Thickness) ^ 2 - Diameter ^ 2) * Height
Mass = oVolume * rho
End Sub
用 VisualBasic.Net 编写的示例取自 this MSDN article.
' This class implements a simple customer type
' that implements the IPropertyChange interface.
Public Class DemoCustomer
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
' These fields hold the values for the public properties.
Private idValue As Guid = Guid.NewGuid()
Private customerName As String = String.Empty
Private companyNameValue As String = String.Empty
Private phoneNumberValue As String = String.Empty
Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler _
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
Private Sub NotifyPropertyChanged(ByVal info As String)
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(info))
End Sub
' The constructor is private to enforce the factory pattern.
Private Sub New()
customerName = "no data"
companyNameValue = "no data"
phoneNumberValue = "no data"
End Sub 'New
' This is the public factory method.
Public Shared Function CreateNewCustomer() As DemoCustomer
Return New DemoCustomer()
End Function
' This property represents an ID, suitable
' for use as a primary key in a database.
Public ReadOnly Property ID() As Guid
Return Me.idValue
End Get
End Property
Public Property CompanyName() As String
Return Me.companyNameValue
End Get
If value <> Me.companyNameValue Then
Me.companyNameValue = value
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Property PhoneNumber() As String
Return Me.phoneNumberValue
End Get
If value <> Me.phoneNumberValue Then
Me.phoneNumberValue = value
End If
End Set
End Property
End Class
我正在寻找一种方法来实现对象 class 的 属性 更改事件。每当某个值发生变化时,它需要重新计算项目质量。
我搜索了一些主题并可能找到了解决方案,对我来说唯一的问题是 c#
Link to topic c#
在进行更多挖掘后,如果还找到 vb.net 解决方案,请在答案中参考 MSDN 页面。但是那里的样本被删除了。
Link to topic vb.net
How to: Implement Property Change Notification
但如果我检查当前框架,它会显示:"This topic is no longer available"
所以我猜测在更改框架期间此事件发生了一些变化?或者这仍然是 vb.net 解决方案中描述的执行此操作的有效方法吗?
添加代码 class
Public Class BodyComponent
' Basic properties that are required for all of the bodycompenents
' regardless of the type.
<Browsable(True)> Public Property Type()
<Browsable(True)> Public Property Height() As Double
<Browsable(True)> Public Property Thickness() As Double
<Browsable(True)> Public Property Elevation() As Double
<Browsable(True)> Public Property Auto_Diameter() As Boolean
<Browsable(True)> Public Property Diameter() As Double
<Browsable(True)> Public Property Mass() As Double
' Type Enum that defines what kind of body component is created.
Public Enum BodyComponentType
Cylinder = 0001
Cone_reduction = 0002
End Enum
Public Class Body_Cylinder
' Get the base properties
Inherits BodyComponent
' Set new properties that are only required for cylinders
Public Property Segments() As Integer
Public Property LW_Orientation() As Double
Public Shared Count As Integer = 0
Public Sub New()
count = count + 1
End Sub
' Remove Cylinder from collection and change the count
Public Shared Sub delete_cylinder(ByVal oItem As Integer, ByRef oBinding As BindingSource)
Count = Count - 1
End Sub
' Calculate mass
Private Sub Calc_mass()
' HACK: create material list where rho is defined for other
' material types
Dim rho As Double
rho = 8
Dim oVolume As Double
oVolume = Math.PI / 4 * ((Diameter + 2 * Thickness) ^ 2 - Diameter ^ 2) * Height
Mass = oVolume * rho
End Sub
用 VisualBasic.Net 编写的示例取自 this MSDN article.
' This class implements a simple customer type
' that implements the IPropertyChange interface.
Public Class DemoCustomer
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
' These fields hold the values for the public properties.
Private idValue As Guid = Guid.NewGuid()
Private customerName As String = String.Empty
Private companyNameValue As String = String.Empty
Private phoneNumberValue As String = String.Empty
Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler _
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
Private Sub NotifyPropertyChanged(ByVal info As String)
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(info))
End Sub
' The constructor is private to enforce the factory pattern.
Private Sub New()
customerName = "no data"
companyNameValue = "no data"
phoneNumberValue = "no data"
End Sub 'New
' This is the public factory method.
Public Shared Function CreateNewCustomer() As DemoCustomer
Return New DemoCustomer()
End Function
' This property represents an ID, suitable
' for use as a primary key in a database.
Public ReadOnly Property ID() As Guid
Return Me.idValue
End Get
End Property
Public Property CompanyName() As String
Return Me.companyNameValue
End Get
If value <> Me.companyNameValue Then
Me.companyNameValue = value
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Property PhoneNumber() As String
Return Me.phoneNumberValue
End Get
If value <> Me.phoneNumberValue Then
Me.phoneNumberValue = value
End If
End Set
End Property
End Class