从硬件异常处理程序中抛出 C++ 异常。为什么 -fnon-call-exceptions 的行为不如预期?

Throwing C++ exceptions from a hardware exception handler. Why does -fnon-call-exceptions not behave as expected?

我昨晚有一个有趣的想法,捕获硬件异常并抛出 C++ exception。认为这可能对 FPU exceptions 这样的事情有用,这些事情通常要么崩溃,要么默默地 return NaN 然后导致意外行为。 C++ exception 在这里更可取。

所以我整个上午都在黑客攻击,终于让它工作了。嗯,差不多。编译器仍然没有意识到算术运算现在可以抛出 C++ exceptions,并且会默默地丢弃它周围的 try/catch 块。当函数出现异常时,它确实起作用。

void throw_exception()
    throw std::runtime_error("Division by zero!");

void try_div0()
    cout << 1 / 0 << endl;

int main()
    // this class traps a hardware exception (division by zero, in this case) and calls the supplied lambda function.
    // uh, no, you probably don't want to see the assembly code behind this...
    exception_wrapper div0_exc { 0, [] (exception_frame* frame, bool)
        if (frame->address.segment != get_cs()) return false;           // only handle exceptions that occured in our own code
        frame->stack.offset -= 4;                                       // sub <fault esp>, 4;
        auto* stack = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t *>(frame->stack.offset); // get <fault esp>
        *stack = frame->address.offset;                                 // mov [<fault esp>], <fault address>;
        frame->address.offset = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(throw_exception);  // set return address to throw_exception()
        return true;    // exception handled!
    } };

        // cout << 1 / 0 << endl;   // this throws, as expected, but calls std::terminate().
        try_div0();                 // this exception is caught.
    catch (std::exception& e)
        cout << "oops: " << e.what() << endl;

我知道这是一个不寻常的问题...但是有什么方法可以解决这个问题吗?告诉 gcc 任何地方都可能发生异常的方法?

我正在使用 djgpp 进行编译,(我相信)它使用 DWARF 异常处理。

编辑: 我刚找到 gcc 标志 -fnon-call-exceptions-fasynchronous-unwind-tables,这似乎是我要找的东西。但是还是不行...

edit: 现在使用前面提到的 gcc 标志,它 确实 在两个函数之间发生异常时捕获调用:

inline void nop() { asm(""); } 
    // or { cout << flush; } or something. empty function does not work.

int main()
    /* ... */
        cout << 1 / 0 << endl;
    /* ... */

编辑: 嵌套的 try/catch 块具有相同的效果,除非捕获指令之前有函数调用,否则不会捕获异常。

inline void nop() { asm(""); }

void try_div(int i)
        // this works, catches exception in try_div(0).
        cout << 1 / i << endl;
        try_div(i - 1);

        // without the first nop(), calls std::terminate()
        //cout << 1 / i << endl;
        //try_div(i - 1);

        // reverse order, also terminates.
        //if (i != 0) try_div(i - 1);
        //cout << 1 / i << endl;
    catch (std::exception& e)
        cout << "caught in try_div(" << i << "): " << e.what() << endl;

int main()
    /* ... */

    catch (std::exception& e)
        cout << "caught in main(): " << e.what() << endl;

编辑: 我已将此作为可能提交 bug in gcc, and reduced my code to a simple test case

好久好久终于搞明白了... throwing函数需要标记为有信号帧

void throw_exception()
    throw std::runtime_error("Division by zero!");