Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'src' of null for ImageButton

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'src' of null for ImageButton


我想在特定条件下 (t>80) 更改 ImageButton 的 ImageURL,但我得到的是 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set 属性 'src' of空。我的 <head> 代码是:

    $(document).ready(function () {
           //doing other stuffs
        setInterval(function () {

                         $(".industrial.tank.size.one").each(function () {

                            if (t > 80) {

                                // document.getElementById('btnV11').ImageURL = "~/Images/Valve/Valve-gray-left.png";
                                document.getElementById('btnV11').src = "../../Images/Valve/Valve-gray-left.png";           
        }, 3000);

并在 <body> 中:

<asp:ImageButton ID="btnV11" runat="server" Height="51px" ImageUrl="~/Images/Valve/Valve-alarm-left.gif" Width="53px" OnClientClick="ShowControlPanel_P11(); return false;"/> 


ID 将与您在服务器端代码中设置的不同。将 btnV11 替换为 <%= btnV11.ClientID %>

$(document).ready(function () {
           //doing other stuffs
        setInterval(function () {

                         $(".industrial.tank.size.one").each(function () {

                            if (t > 80) {

                                // document.getElementById('btnV11').ImageURL = "~/Images/Valve/Valve-gray-left.png";
                                document.getElementById('<%= btnV11.ClientID %>').src = "../../Images/Valve/Valve-gray-left.png";           
        }, 3000);