boost::adaptor::filtered 核心转储 boost::range_detail::default_constructible_unary_fn_wrapper "Assertion `m_impl' failed"

boost::adaptor::filtered core dumps with boost::range_detail::default_constructible_unary_fn_wrapper "Assertion `m_impl' failed"

当我 运行 这段代码时,我在 boost::range_detail::default_constructible_unary_fn_wrapper 中遇到断言失败。断言似乎是在检查函子是否已在过滤器对象内初始化。

#include <boost/range/adaptor/filtered.hpp>

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>

template<class RangeType>
static auto get_range_and_range_size(const RangeType& in_range, std::input_iterator_tag) -> auto {
     * we have an InputRange, but we need to know the size of the range.
     * so we eagerly copy the values into a vector so we can get the size of the range
     * and also return the range.
     * */
    auto out_range = std::vector<decltype(*std::begin(in_range))>(

    return std::make_tuple(std::move(out_range), out_range.size());

template<class RangeType>
static auto get_range_and_range_size(const RangeType& in_range, std::forward_iterator_tag) -> auto {
    return std::make_tuple(std::ref(in_range), boost::distance(in_range));

struct Cache {
    std::unordered_map<int, int> m_map;

    template<class RangeT>
    auto Insert(RangeT in_range) -> void {
        typename std::iterator_traits<
        >::iterator_category iterator_category;

        std::cout << "No core dump yet!\n";

        auto range_and_range_size = get_range_and_range_size(
                 * filter out any keys that are already in the cache and NOT TTLed yet
                 * */
                [this](const auto& key_value) -> bool {
                    const auto find_itr = m_map.find(key_value.first);

                    return (m_map.end() == find_itr)    /*  the key was not in the cache    */
                           || hasTTLed(find_itr->second);  /*  the key was in the cache but its value has TTLed  */

        for(auto&& key_value : std::get<0>(range_and_range_size)) {

        std::cout << "Can't reach this code. :(\n";

    auto hasTTLed(int) const noexcept -> bool {
         *  TTL impl goes here
        return false;

auto main(int, char*[]) -> int {
    Cache a{};

    std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> v{
        {0, 0},
        {1, 1},
        {2, 2},
        {3, 3}


    std::map<int, int> b{
        {0, 1},
        {1, 0},
        {2, 1},
        {3, 1}


我用 coliru 使用的任何版本的 boost 以及 1.60 都能得到这个。

转载于 coliru here

你能帮我理解 a) 这里发生了什么,以及 b) 我如何解决它吗?


问题出在 get_range_and_range_size,它在本应捕获 RangeType&& 时却捕获了 const RangeType&。将 std::ref 返回到以这种方式捕获的临时文件会导致在作用于 range_and_range_size.


这些 get_range_and_range_size 的定义解决了问题。

template<class RangeType>
static auto get_range_and_range_size(RangeType&& in_range, std::input_iterator_tag) -> auto {
     * we have an InputRange, but we need to know the size of the range.
     * so we eagerly copy the values into a vector so we can get the size of the range
     * and also return the range.
     * */
    auto out_range = std::vector<decltype(*std::begin(in_range))>(

    const auto out_size = out_range.size(); /*  capture the value before moving the container   */
    return std::make_tuple(std::move(out_range), out_size);

template<class RangeType>
static auto get_range_and_range_size(RangeType&& in_range, std::forward_iterator_tag) -> auto {
    const auto size = boost::distance(in_range); /*  capture the value before moving the container   */
    return std::make_tuple(std::move(in_range), size);