
Trait dependency loading in sequence

我目前正在研究 trait 自动初始化程序,它一切正常,但很遗憾,traits 有一些严重的限制。


trait constructor{}
trait cache{}
trait database{}
trait settings{} # requires database or cache.


class t{
  use constructor, cache, settings;


class t{
  use constructor, settings, cache;

设置特征初始化器将在缓存初始化器之前被调用,因此缓存特征中的 $cache 变量为空。

现在一个简单的解决方案是将 use cache, database; 添加到设置特性中,但是如果被必须包含的另一个特性使用,可能会导致定义的方法发生冲突。

另一种解决方案是检查 属性 $cache 是否已定义,然后检查它是否已设置,但这会产生很多冗余代码,我不想为每个代码编写以及每一个特质。


trait constructor{
  function init(){
    echo 'I am called first';
      'constructor' => 'constructor',
      'cache' => 'cache',
      'database' => 'database',
      'settings' => 'settings'

      // Sorted in sequence as defined in the class.

    # now call other trait initializers.

trait settings{
  function settings(){
    echo 'I am called last, but before __construct()';

class t{
  use constructor; // required by all traits
  use cache;       // requires constructor.
  use database;    // requires constructor.
  use settings;    // requires constructor, cache || database.

  function __construct(){
    echo 'I am called after init()';


由于大多数 classes 只使用少量特征,定义一个冗长的数组作为排序的基础似乎是不够的。由于该系统是 运行 CMS 的核心,因此我宁愿按特征对特征进行排序。

traits 的问题是我不能两次定义相同的东西,也不能在 class 中定义,所以我想将范围污染保持在最低限度。


trait constructor{
  private $traits;

  function loaded(array $list){
    foreach($list as $trait){
      if(isset($this->_traits[$trait])){ // class_uses returns array of ['trait' => 'trait'] while I append numeric.
        $this->_traits[] = $this->_current; // append the current looping method (of init) to be loaded last.
        return false;
    return true;

  function init(){
    $traits = class_uses(self::class);
    while(list(,$method) = each($this->traits)){
      unset($this->_traits[$method]); // avoid infinite loop.
      // This while loop will loop trough newly added values added by 'loaded' 
      call_user_func([$this, $method]);

trait settings{
  function settings(){
    if($this->loaded(['cache', 'database'])){
      # This method will queue the 'settings' method for later regardless if the traits are already loaded.
      # So it will first load the traits that don't have dependency's.
      # The order is not important because the __construct method is called last anyways.
