Virtual ChannelInit 棒

VirtualChannelInit stucks

我正在开发一个 rdp 虚拟通道应用程序。我已经在注册表中注册了客户端 dll 并试图理解,客户端 dll 已加载。 但是我在从 pEntryPoints 调用 pVirtualChannelInit 时卡住了。 它只是没有 return 任何结果,调试器转到此函数的反汇编代码。但是如果不停止这个调用,VirtualChannelEntry 第二次调用(为什么?)。

如果我使用调试器mstsc.exe。 第一次通话后一段时间后,在控制台中我可以看到: First-chance exception at 0x00000004 in mstsc.exe: 0xC0000005: an access violation in the performance at 0x00000004. //用google翻译 当 rdp 会话出现在屏幕上时,第二次调用后:

First-chance exception at 0x773EC42D (KernelBase.dll) in mstsc.exe: 0x000006BA: RPC server is unavailable.
First-chance exception at 0x773EC42D (KernelBase.dll) in mstsc.exe: 0x000006BA: RPC server is unavailable.
First-chance exception at 0x773EC42D (KernelBase.dll) in mstsc.exe: 0x000006BA: RPC server is unavailable.
First-chance exception at 0x773EC42D in mstsc.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: unsigned long at memory location 0x06CCF8C0.
First-chance exception at 0x773EC42D in mstsc.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: unsigned long at memory location 0x06CCF8C0.
First-chance exception at 0x773EC42D in mstsc.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: [rethrow] at memory location 0x00000000.
First-chance exception at 0x773EC42D in mstsc.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: [rethrow] at memory location 0x00000000.
First-chance exception at 0x773EC42D in mstsc.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: unsigned long at memory location 0x06CCF8C0.
First-chance exception at 0x773EC42D in mstsc.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: unsigned long at memory location 0x06CCF8C0.
First-chance exception at 0x773EC42D in mstsc.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: [rethrow] at memory location 0x00000000.
First-chance exception at 0x773EC42D in mstsc.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: [rethrow] at memory location 0x00000000.

pEntryPoints 中的指针总是:

pVirtualChannelInit - 0x00000004 pVirtualChannelOpen - 0x0000ffff pVirtualChannelClose - 0x000000b8 pVirtualChannelWrite - 0x00000000 (Why 0?)

HANDLE ClientHandle = NULL;
CHANNEL_DEF pChannel[1];

    ofstream myfile; ("D:\Projects\bench_cli\ConsoleApplication1\Release\example.txt");
    myfile << "Writing this to a file.\n";

    UINT retval1 = 0;
    ZeroMemory(&pChannel[0], sizeof(CHANNEL_DEF));
    strcpy(pChannel[0].name, "Bench");
    pChannelInitEventProc = VirtualChannelInitEvent;
    memcpy(&SavedEntryPoints, pEntryPoints, sizeof(CHANNEL_ENTRY_POINTS));

    myfile << " copied" << endl;

    // call VirtualChannelInit using the function pointer in
    myfile << "Initing" << endl;

    retval1 = pEntryPoints->pVirtualChannelInit (&ClientHandle,
                pChannel, 1, VIRTUAL_CHANNEL_VERSION_WIN2000,
                pChannelInitEventProc); //here we stuck

    myfile << " init" << endl; //this never printed

    return TRUE;

VOID VCAPITYPE VirtualChannelInitEvent( LPVOID pInitHandle, UINT event, LPVOID pData, UINT dataLength)
...//never called

pVirtualChannelInit 应该是一个有效的指针(指向代码)。 0x00000004 不是,因此 access violation


通过检查传递给 VirtualChannelEntry 实现的 PCHANNEL_ENTRY_POINTS pEntryPoints 参数指向的内存,使用调试器找出正确的对齐方式。该结构以 2 32 位 值开头,后跟 4 个函数指针。第一个字段是大小字段(值取决于位数,32bits:0x0018,或64:0x0028),第二个应该是 0x00001.

然后,使用 #pragma pack push/pop(MSVC 编译器)围绕包含 header 定义 CHANNEL_ENTRY_POINTS 结构以在编译时强制正确对齐。