我可以让 go.js 强制导向布局排除组吗?

Can I have go.js force-directed layout exclude groups?

我正在使用 go.js 制作带有节点的概念图,在某些情况下是组内的节点 - 链接始终位于节点之间,而不是直接指向组容器,但内部节点和节点之间存在链接组外。

当没有组时,力导向布局可以很好地正确 space 出节点。但是,如果组中有节点,则力导向布局似乎将组布局为就好像它是单个节点一样,这对于节点连接而言可能不是最佳选择。有没有办法让布局只与节点有关,即使这意味着组可能重叠、比需要的更大或以其他方式混乱?对我来说,这些组只是背景类别云,它实际上是我想要优化排列的节点。

要阻止群组参与布局,在您的群组模板中,您可以在 Group 上设置 isLayoutPositioned: false


var layout = $(go.ForceDirectedLayout);



function init() {
    if (window.goSamples) goSamples();  // init for these samples -- you don't need to call this
    var $ = go.GraphObject.make;  // for conciseness in defining templates

    myDiagram = $(go.Diagram, "myDiagram",  // create a Diagram for the DIV HTML element
                    initialContentAlignment: go.Spot.Center,  // center the content
                    "undoManager.isEnabled": true  // enable undo & redo

    // define a simple Node template
    myDiagram.nodeTemplate =
      $(go.Node, "Auto",  // the Shape will go around the TextBlock
        $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
          // Shape.fill is bound to Node.data.color
          new go.Binding("fill", "color")),
          { margin: 3 },  // some room around the text
          // TextBlock.text is bound to Node.data.key
          new go.Binding("text", "key"))

    myDiagram.groupTemplate =
      $(go.Group, "Vertical",
        { isLayoutPositioned: false,
          selectionObjectName: "PANEL",  // selection handle goes around shape, not label
          ungroupable: true },  // enable Ctrl-Shift-G to ungroup a selected Group
            font: "bold 19px sans-serif",
            isMultiline: false,  // don't allow newlines in text
            editable: true  // allow in-place editing by user
          new go.Binding("text", "text").makeTwoWay(),
          new go.Binding("stroke", "color")),
        $(go.Panel, "Auto",
          { name: "PANEL" },
          $(go.Shape, "Rectangle",  // the rectangular shape around the members
            { fill: "rgba(128,128,128,0.2)", stroke: "gray", strokeWidth: 3 }),
          $(go.Placeholder, { padding: 10 })  // represents where the members are

    // create the model data that will be represented by Nodes and Links
    myDiagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(
      { key: "Alpha", color: "lightblue" },
      { key: "Beta", color: "orange" },
      { key: "Gamma", group: "G", color: "lightgreen" },
      { key: "Delta", group: "G", color: "pink" },
      { key: "G", isGroup: true, color: "pink" },
    var layout = $(go.ForceDirectedLayout);

<script src="http://gojs.net/latest/release/go.js"></script>

  <div id="myDiagram" style="border: solid 3px red; width:400px; height:400px"></div>