如何在 Android 上将复杂的 ksoap 对象解析为字符串?

How to parse a complex ksoap Object to String on Android?

我正在使用 KSOAP2 (3.0.0) 得到如下响应:

    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" >
            <ns2:ExampleResponse xmlns:ns2="http://example.com/" >


String ans1 = response.getPropertyAsString("answer"); // 0
String ans2 = response.getPropertyAsString("message"); // anyType{last=0; }
String ans3 = response.getPropertyAsString("last"); // illegal property: last

如图所示,正常工作 "answer"。 我怎样才能得到"last"?


// Fetches message as soap object, rather than just its string representation
SoapObject messageObject = (SoapObject) response.getProperty("message");

// Fetches last from above oject
String lastAsString = messageObject.getPropertyAsString("last");
