Table on Angular,添加 类 with ngClass 和 ng-repeat

Table on Angular, adding classes with ngClass and ng-repeat

我有一个由 Web 服务 JSON 制作的 table,在每一行上都有一个按钮来标记要删除的行。当您单击行按钮时,JS 警报会显示行元素的 ID,我还需要在该行上添加 'danger' bootstrap class。现在我可以在单击按钮时看到行元素 ID,并将该 ID 添加到列表中,以便稍后将其发送到 Web 服务。


<table class="table table-condensed">
                        <th><a href="" ng-click="sortField = 'ordre'; reverse = !reverse">Prioritat</a></th>
                        <th><a href="" ng-click="sortField = 'nomAtribut'; reverse = !reverse">Atribut</a></th>
                        <th><a href="" ng-click="sortField = 'nomAtribut'; reverse = !reverse">Tipus</a></th>
                        <th><a href="" ng-click="sortField = 'midaAtribut'; reverse = !reverse">Mida</a></th>
                        <th><a href="" ng-click="sortField = 'atributObligatori'; reverse = !reverse">Obligatori</a></th>
                        <th><a href="" ng-click="sortField = 'observacions'; reverse = !reverse">Observacions</a></th>
                    <tr ng-repeat="(key, value) in atrb">
                            <a href="" ng-click="alert(value.idatributs_actiu)" ng-model="elimina"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash" aria-hidden="true"></span></a>
                            <input type="number" ng-model="value.ordre" value="value.ordre"   />
                            <input type="value.valor" ng-model="value.nomAtribut" value="value.nomAtribut"   />
                            <input type="value.valor" ng-model="value.midaAtribut" value="value.midaAtribut"   />
                            <input type="checkbox" ng-model="value.atributObligatori" value="value.atributObligatori" ng-true-value="'Si'" ng-false-value="'No'" />
                            <input type="value.valor" ng-model="value.observacions" value="value.observacions"   />


$scope.alert = function (index) {
                    $window.alert('click a borrar id: ' + index); // Show JS alert with id
                    $scope.addAtributsExistentsEliminar(index); // Add id to array, for later send it to WS
                    $scope.elimina = true; 
                    $scope.class = 'danger';

我一直在尝试使用 ngClass and following other examples 来做到这一点,但我什么也没得到,甚至连 JS 警报都没有,JS 控制台上也没有任何显示。



// Edita tipus d'actius
            assets.controller('EditaTipusCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $routeParams, $window) {

                    $scope.refresh = function () {
                        $http.get('' + $ (data) {
                            $scope.atrb = data;

                    $scope.alert = function (index, rowScope) {
                     //   rowScope.class = 'danger';
                        $window.alert('click a borrar id: ' + index); // Show JS alert with id
                        $scope.addAtributsExistentsEliminar(index); // Add id to array, for later send it to WS
                        $scope.elimina = true; 
                        rowScope.addClass = 'danger';


                    // Construeix combo per definir tipus atributs (String, Date, Text)
                    $http.get('').success(function (data) {
                        $scope.options = data;

                    $scope.nousAtributs = [];
                    $scope.atributsExistentsEliminar = [];

                    $scope.addNewLine = function () {
                        var newRow = {
                            "nomAtribut": "",
                            "tipus": "",
                            "mida": '',
                            "prioritat": "",
                            "obligatori": "",
                            "observacions": "",
                            "nomTipusActiu": $ // nom del tipus d'actiu

                    $scope.addAtributsExistentsEliminar = function (id) {

                    $scope.showAtributsEliminar = function(){
                        angular.forEach($scope.atributsExistentsEliminar, $;

                    $ = function (id) {
                        $http.get('' + id + '.json').success(function (data) {
                            $scope.sts = data.status;

                        if ($scope.sts.status == 'IN_USE') {
                            $window.alert('Aquest atribut no es pot eliminar perque és en ús');


                        angular.forEach($scope.atrb, $scope.sendChanges);
                        angular.forEach($scope.nousAtributs, $scope.saveNewAttributtes);

                        $'', atribut).success(function (data) {
                            $scope.atrb = data;

                        $'', atribut).success(function (data){
                            $scope.atrb = data;

                    $scope.removables = function () {




Your current code tries to use the parent scope, which is why it's not working as you expected. You can simply pass in the scope to the alert function. So

$scope.alert = function (index, rowScope) {
  rowScope.class = 'danger';

with your template as

   <tr ng-repeat="(key, value) in atrb" ng-class="class">
         <a href="" ng-click="alert(value.idatributs_actiu, this)"...

Fiddle -

您当前的代码试图使用父作用域,这就是它未按预期工作的原因。您可以简单地将范围传递给 alert 函数。所以

$scope.alert = function (index, rowScope) {
  rowScope.class = 'danger';


   <tr ng-repeat="(key, value) in atrb" ng-class="class">
         <a href="" ng-click="alert(value.idatributs_actiu, this)"...

Fiddle -

也就是说,正确的方法是在您的 value 对象上添加一些内容,表明它已被删除。然后用它来驱动 ng-class。这样你的控制器就没有视图属性(即class)。