Azure AD Graph 客户端库批处理
Azure AD Graph client library batch processing
据documentation, Graph API support batch processing. The Microsoft Azure Active Directory Client支持批处理。
您可以在此处找到大量使用 Azure AD Graph API 的示例:
特别是你有一个关于你可以用图表 API 执行的大部分操作的完整示例:
- Call the Azure AD Graph API from a native client (search for "Batch Operations" in the program.cs 文件).
Graph API support for OData batch requests:
- A query is a single query or function invocation.
- A change set is a group of one or more insert, update, or delete operations, action invocations, or service invocations.
- A batch is a container of operations, including one or more change sets and query operations.
The Graph API supports a subset of the functionality defined by the
OData specification:
- A single batch can contain a maximum of five queries and/or change sets combined.
- A change set can contain a maximum of one source object modification and up to 20 add-link and delete-link operations
combined. All operations in the change set must be on a single source
使用单个 POST 指令将批处理请求发送到服务器。
有效负载是一个多部分 MIME 消息,其中包含批处理及其组成查询和更改集。负载包括两种类型的 MIME 边界:
- 批次边界 分隔批次中的每个查询and/or 更改集。
- 更改集边界 分隔更改集中的各个操作。
更改集中的单个请求与调用该操作本身时发出的请求相同。 (here is a sample request)
var authority = "";
var resource = "";
var clientId = "ClientId of the application in the Azure Active Directory";
var clientSecret = "ClientSecret of the application in the Azure Active Directory";
var token = new AuthenticationContext(authority, false).AcquireToken(resource,
new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret)).AccessToken;
在您的问题中,您希望将成员添加到群组 (see Graph API Documentation on groups):
// Get the objectId of the group
var groupId = ...
// Get the member ids you'd like to add to the group
var memberIds = ...
private static async Task AddMemberToGroup(string token, string groupId, IList<string> memberIds)
if (memberIds.Count > 100)
// A batch can contain up to 5 changesets. Each changeset can contain up to 20 operations.
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot send more than 100 operation in an batch");
var batch = new BatchRequest("");
// A changeset can contain up to 20 operations
var takeCount = 20;
var skipCount = 0;
var take = memberIds.Skip(skipCount).Take(takeCount).ToList();
while (take.Count > 0)
AddChangeset(batch, groupId, take);
skipCount += takeCount;
take = memberIds.Skip(skipCount).Take(takeCount).ToList();
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {token}");
var response = await client.SendAsync(batch.Request);
private static void AddChangeset(BatchRequest batch, string groupId, IEnumerable<string> memberIds)
var changeset = batch.AddChangeSet();
foreach (var memberId in memberIds)
// Create the HttpRequest to add a member to a group
var request = AddMemberToGroupRequest(groupId, memberId);
// Add the operation to the changeset
private static HttpRequestMessage AddMemberToGroupRequest(string groupId, string memberId)
// Create a request to add a member to a group
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post,
// Create the body of the request
var jsonBody =
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new DirectoryObject($"{memberId}"));
// Set the content
request.Content = new StringContent(jsonBody, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
// Return the request
return request;
public class BatchRequest
private readonly MultipartContent _batchContent;
public BatchRequest(string tenantUrl)
// Create the batch request
Request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post,
// Initializes the batch content
_batchContent = new MultipartContent("mixed", "batch_" + Guid.NewGuid());
Request.Content = _batchContent;
public HttpRequestMessage Request { get; }
public ChangeSet AddChangeSet()
// Create a new changeset
var changeSet = new ChangeSet();
// Add the content of the changeset to the batch
// return the changeset
return changeSet;
public HttpMessageContent CreateOperation(HttpRequestMessage request)
var content = new HttpMessageContent(request);
content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/http");
content.Headers.Add("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary");
return content;
public class ChangeSet
public ChangeSet()
Content = new MultipartContent("mixed", "changeset_" + Guid.NewGuid());
public MultipartContent Content { get; }
public void AddOperation(HttpRequestMessage request)
var operationContent = new HttpMessageContent(request);
operationContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/http");
operationContent.Headers.Add("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary");
public class DirectoryObject
public DirectoryObject(string url)
this.url = url;
public string url { get; }
据documentation, Graph API support batch processing. The Microsoft Azure Active Directory Client支持批处理。
您可以在此处找到大量使用 Azure AD Graph API 的示例:
特别是你有一个关于你可以用图表 API 执行的大部分操作的完整示例:
- Call the Azure AD Graph API from a native client (search for "Batch Operations" in the program.cs 文件).
Graph API support for OData batch requests:
- A query is a single query or function invocation.
- A change set is a group of one or more insert, update, or delete operations, action invocations, or service invocations.
- A batch is a container of operations, including one or more change sets and query operations.
The Graph API supports a subset of the functionality defined by the OData specification:
- A single batch can contain a maximum of five queries and/or change sets combined.
- A change set can contain a maximum of one source object modification and up to 20 add-link and delete-link operations combined. All operations in the change set must be on a single source entity.
使用单个 POST 指令将批处理请求发送到服务器。
有效负载是一个多部分 MIME 消息,其中包含批处理及其组成查询和更改集。负载包括两种类型的 MIME 边界:
- 批次边界 分隔批次中的每个查询and/or 更改集。
- 更改集边界 分隔更改集中的各个操作。
更改集中的单个请求与调用该操作本身时发出的请求相同。 (here is a sample request)
您可以在这里找到完整的示例代码:azure-active-directory-batchprocessing 所以基本上,您需要获取身份验证令牌:
var authority = "";
var resource = "";
var clientId = "ClientId of the application in the Azure Active Directory";
var clientSecret = "ClientSecret of the application in the Azure Active Directory";
var token = new AuthenticationContext(authority, false).AcquireToken(resource,
new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret)).AccessToken;
在您的问题中,您希望将成员添加到群组 (see Graph API Documentation on groups):
// Get the objectId of the group
var groupId = ...
// Get the member ids you'd like to add to the group
var memberIds = ...
private static async Task AddMemberToGroup(string token, string groupId, IList<string> memberIds)
if (memberIds.Count > 100)
// A batch can contain up to 5 changesets. Each changeset can contain up to 20 operations.
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot send more than 100 operation in an batch");
var batch = new BatchRequest("");
// A changeset can contain up to 20 operations
var takeCount = 20;
var skipCount = 0;
var take = memberIds.Skip(skipCount).Take(takeCount).ToList();
while (take.Count > 0)
AddChangeset(batch, groupId, take);
skipCount += takeCount;
take = memberIds.Skip(skipCount).Take(takeCount).ToList();
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {token}");
var response = await client.SendAsync(batch.Request);
private static void AddChangeset(BatchRequest batch, string groupId, IEnumerable<string> memberIds)
var changeset = batch.AddChangeSet();
foreach (var memberId in memberIds)
// Create the HttpRequest to add a member to a group
var request = AddMemberToGroupRequest(groupId, memberId);
// Add the operation to the changeset
private static HttpRequestMessage AddMemberToGroupRequest(string groupId, string memberId)
// Create a request to add a member to a group
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post,
// Create the body of the request
var jsonBody =
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new DirectoryObject($"{memberId}"));
// Set the content
request.Content = new StringContent(jsonBody, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
// Return the request
return request;
public class BatchRequest
private readonly MultipartContent _batchContent;
public BatchRequest(string tenantUrl)
// Create the batch request
Request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post,
// Initializes the batch content
_batchContent = new MultipartContent("mixed", "batch_" + Guid.NewGuid());
Request.Content = _batchContent;
public HttpRequestMessage Request { get; }
public ChangeSet AddChangeSet()
// Create a new changeset
var changeSet = new ChangeSet();
// Add the content of the changeset to the batch
// return the changeset
return changeSet;
public HttpMessageContent CreateOperation(HttpRequestMessage request)
var content = new HttpMessageContent(request);
content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/http");
content.Headers.Add("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary");
return content;
public class ChangeSet
public ChangeSet()
Content = new MultipartContent("mixed", "changeset_" + Guid.NewGuid());
public MultipartContent Content { get; }
public void AddOperation(HttpRequestMessage request)
var operationContent = new HttpMessageContent(request);
operationContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/http");
operationContent.Headers.Add("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary");
public class DirectoryObject
public DirectoryObject(string url)
this.url = url;
public string url { get; }