
Getting error no declared type in bison

我正在做家庭作业,但 bison 文件中有一些错误。我收到类似 'blabla' 没有声明类型的错误。我的代码和错误如下。我正在尝试做一个类型检查器,我有一个 header、flex 和一个 bison 文件。 Flex 返回我需要的令牌。我写了一个函数来制作一个属性,然后我检查两个属性类型是否相同。如果不一样,我会给出一个错误输出,但是当我编译它时,我得到了这些错误。我没有弄清楚。我做错什么了?


   AttrNode * makeATTR(char * v, AttrType t);

    ValType val; 
    char *text;
    AttrNode *attrPtr;
%token <text> tOPEN tCLOSE tSELF tLEND tCOURSE tCLASS ....continue
        day_type:       tMON { $$ = makeATTR (,DAY);}
                        | tTUE  { $$ = makeATTR (,DAY);}
                        | tWED  { $$ = makeATTR (,DAY);}
                        | tTHU  { $$ = makeATTR (,DAY);}
                        | tFRI  { $$ = makeATTR (,DAY);}
        attr_val:       tSTRING {$$= makeATTR(,STRING);}
                        | tNUM  {$$= makeATTR(,NUMBER);}
                        | tTIME {$$ = makeATTR(,TIME);}
                        | day_type { $$ = makeATTR (,DAY);}
        attr_name:      tNAME {$$= makeATTR(,STRING);}
                        | tCODE {$$= makeATTR(,STRING);}
                        | tTYPE {$$= makeATTR(,STRING);}
                        | tCRN {$$= makeATTR(,NUMBER);}
                        | tSECTION {$$= makeATTR(,STRING);}
                        | tCAPACITY {$$= makeATTR(,NUMBER);}
                        | tSTART {$$ = makeATTR(,TIME);}
                        | tEND {$$ = makeATTR(,TIME);}
                        | tDAY { $$ = makeATTR (,DAY);}
        attribute:      attr_name attr_val  {if(.type!=.type)
                                                printf("Mismatch error");}

 AttrNode * makeATTR(char * v, AttrType t)
     AttrNode * ret = (AttrNode*) malloc(sizeof(AttrNode));
     result->thisNodeType = Attr;
     result->attrNodePtr = (AttrNode*)malloc(sizeof(AttrNode));
    return (result);

在 .h 文件中

typedef enum {Attr,Tree } NodeType;
typedef enum {STRING,NUMBER,TIME,DAY} AttrType;
//For String
typedef struct AttrNode
    char * value; 
    AttrType * type;

 typedef struct TreeNode
 NodeType thisNodeType; 
 AttrNode *attrNodePtr; 

AttrNode * makeATTR(char * v, AttrType t);


hw4.y:25.24-25: $$ of `day_type' has no declared type
hw4.y:26.27-28: $$ of `day_type' has no declared type
hw4.y:27.27-28: $$ of `day_type' has no declared type
hw4.y:28.27-28: $$ of `day_type' has no declared type
hw4.y:29.27-28: $$ of `day_type' has no declared type
hw4.y:31.26-27: $$ of `attr_val' has no declared type
hw4.y:32.26-27: $$ of `attr_val' has no declared type
hw4.y:32.39-40: integer out of range: `'
hw4.y:33.26-27: $$ of `attr_val' has no declared type
hw4.y:33.40-41: integer out of range: `'
hw4.y:34.30-31: $$ of `attr_val' has no declared type
hw4.y:34.45-46: of `attr_val' has no declared type
hw4.y:36.24-25: $$ of `attr_name' has no declared type
hw4.y:37.26-27: $$ of `attr_name' has no declared type
hw4.y:38.32-33: $$ of `attr_name' has no declared type
hw4.y:39.26-27: $$ of `attr_name' has no declared type
hw4.y:40.25-26: $$ of `attr_name' has no declared type
hw4.y:40.38-39: integer out of range: `'
hw4.y:41.29-30: $$ of `attr_name' has no declared type
hw4.y:42.30-31: $$ of `attr_name' has no declared type
hw4.y:42.43-44: integer out of range: `'
hw4.y:43.27-28: $$ of `attr_name' has no declared type
hw4.y:43.41-42: integer out of range: `'
hw4.y:44.25-26: $$ of `attr_name' has no declared type
hw4.y:44.39-40: integer out of range: `'
hw4.y:45.26-27: $$ of `attr_name' has no declared type
hw4.y:47.41-42: of `attribute' has no declared type
hw4.y:47.50-51: of `attribute' has no declared type

如果你告诉bison/yacc有不止一种语义类型(带有%union声明),那么你只能使用$n$$作为终端和具有声明类型的非终端。在这种情况下,bison 告诉您您正在尝试为没有声明类型的非终端设置 $$。这是不可能的,因为 bison 在不知道要分配给哪个联合成员的情况下无法生成适当的赋值语句。


%type <something> day_type attr_val ...

此外,您有 $n 个超出范围的引用。比如制作中:

attr_val: ...
        | tNUM  {$$= makeATTR(,NUMBER);}

右边只有一个符号(tNUM),所以没有</code>。因此出现错误消息 ("integer out of range: `'")。我猜你的意思是 <code>.