
Getting notified when a file lock is released

[使用 C# 和 Windows 作为平台]

我有一台相机,可以将 JPG 文件写入我 PC 的本地文件夹。我想加载相机掉落的每个文件,所以我有一个 FileSystemWatcher,每当创建新图片时它都会通知我,但是相机在写入文件时锁定了文件,所以如果我尝试在收到创建通知后立即加载它,我得到一个异常提示 文件已锁定

目前,我有一个 while 循环(带有 Thread.Sleep)每 0.2 秒重试一次加载图像,但感觉有点脏。


您将无法绕过试错法,即尝试打开文件,捕获 IOException,然后重试。但是,您可以像这样在单独的 class 中隐藏这种丑陋之处:

public class CustomWatcher
    private readonly FileSystemWatcher watcher;
    public event EventHandler<FileSystemEventArgs> CreatedAndReleased;

    public CustomWatcher(string path)
        watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(path, "*.jpg");
        watcher.Created += OnFileCreated;
        watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

    private void OnFileCreated(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
        // Running the loop on another thread. That means the event
        // callback will be on the new thread. This can be omitted
        // if it does not matter if you are blocking the current thread.
        Task.Run(() =>
            // Obviously some sort of timeout could be useful here.
            // Test until you can open the file, then trigger the CreeatedAndReleased event.
            while (!CanOpen(e.FullPath))

    private void OnCreatedAndReleased(FileSystemEventArgs e)
        CreatedAndReleased?.Invoke(this, e);

    private static bool CanOpen(string file)
        FileStream stream = null;
            stream = File.Open(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None);
        catch (IOException)
            return false;
        return true;


var watcher = new CustomWatcher("path");
watcher.CreatedAndReleased += (o,e) => 
    // Now, your watcher has managed to open and close the file,
    // so the camera is done with it. Obviously, any other application
    // is able to lock it before this code manages to open the file.
    var stream = File.OpenRead(e.FullPath);

免责声明:CustomWatcher 可能需要 IDisposable 并适当地处理 FileSystemWatcher。该代码仅显示了如何实现所需功能的示例。