尝试将 swapcontext() 转换为存储在队列中的结构成员时出现段错误

Seg-fault when trying to swapcontext() into a struct member that is stored in a queue

我定义了一个名为 thread 的结构,其中包含一个名为 ucontext* tctx 的成员。

在一个名为 create_thread() 的函数中,我在堆上创建了一个线程对象并定义了它的每个成员(包括 ucontext 对象的成员)。然后我将指向该线程对象的指针添加到队列容器中。



#include <iostream> 
#include <queue>
#include <ucontext.h> 

#define STACK_SIZE 262144

using namespace std; 

typedef struct thread
   int thread_id; 
   ucontext* tctx; 
   char* sp;  

int thread_id; 
ucontext_t* ctx1; //Unused, currently 
ucontext_t* cur; 
queue<thread*> ready_queue; 

/* Function Declaration */
thread* create_thread(int,int); 
void foo1(int); 

int main(int argc, char** argv)
   cout << " PROGRAM START ***** \n";

   /* Create 'i' number of threads */  
   for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) 
      cout << "\nready_queue size before creating thread = " << ready_queue.size() << endl;
      cout << "Calling create thread ... id=" << i << endl;
      create_thread(i, i*1000);    
      cout << "ready_queue size after creating thread = " << ready_queue.size() << endl; 

   cout << " \t>> THREADS CREATED \n"; 
   cout << " \t>> SWITCHING CONTEXT \n";   

   /* Save current context to cur, swap context to first thread in queue */ 
   swapcontext(cur, ready_queue.front()->tctx); //Seg fault!

   cout << " PROGRAM TERMI ***** \n"; 
   return 0; 

thread* create_thread(int id, int arg)
   static int num_threads = 0; 

   /* Create a new thread struct, ucontxt for the thread, and put in ready queue */  
   thread* n = new thread;
   n -> thread_id = id; 
   n -> tctx = new ucontext_t;
   n -> sp   = new char[STACK_SIZE];   

   n->tctx->uc_stack.ss_sp = n->sp; 
   n->tctx->uc_stack.ss_size = STACK_SIZE; 
   n->tctx->uc_stack.ss_flags = 0; 
   n->tctx->uc_link = NULL;    
   makecontext(n->tctx, (void(*)()) foo1, 1, arg); //Thread shall call foo() with argument 'arg' 

   /* Push new thread into ready_queue */ 

   cout << "Thread #" << num_threads << " was created. Thread.ID[" << id << "]\n"; 

   return n; 

//Application function
void foo1(int arg)
   cout << "Calling from foo1(). I have " << arg << "!\n"; 


我注意到如果我在 n -> tctx = new ucontext_t; 之后调用 getcontext(n->tctx); 问题就解决了。看来问题可能出在 getcontext 试图初始化堆中尚未分配的内容。

ucontext_t* cur 指针悬空,这就是它 swapcontext 崩溃的原因。您可以分配一个有效值 (new ucontext_t),但最好将其类型设为 ucontext_t 而不是指针。 thread.tctx 也是如此,也没有必要保留 thread.sp 指针。

但是,C++11 有 std::thread,这是比您尝试做的更好的替代方法,这将是正确的 C++ 方法。此外,如果您想学习新知识,我建议您转而关注 std::thread。这里有一个很好的教程:https://solarianprogrammer.com/2011/12/16/cpp-11-thread-tutorial/

顺便说一句,在你的例子中 getcontext(n->tctx); 也被调用了一个未初始化的 tctx 并且你在程序结束时有很多未释放的内存...