Getting an error : Missing Required Command Line Arguments: -ism <ISM file>

Getting an error : Missing Required Command Line Arguments: -ism <ISM file>


C:\windows\system32\cscript.exe "%WSR%\InstallShield\BuildInstalls.vbs" -ism "C:\InstallShield\Windows\xyz.ism" -verbose Build -version 1.1.1 -skipcopy -Platform Win32 -web


Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Setup Output Log File: InstallShield\BuildInstalls.vbs_3_25_2016_13_3.out
InstallBuild ERROR: Missing Required Command Line Arguments: -ism

ISM 文件也存在于正确的位置并且所有参数都是正确的。但我仍然收到此错误。那么我哪里做错了?

如果您的 BuildInstalls.vbs 使用标准 Arguments Property (WScript Object) and its inferior collections WshUnnamed Object and WshNamed object, then as per Working with Command-Line Arguments 文章从命令行处理其参数:

The WshNamed filtered collection contains the two named arguments. Named arguments are arguments that consist of two parts: a name and a value. The name must be prefaced with a forward slash, and a colon must separate the name from the value. The slash prefix and the colon separator are fixed and cannot be changed. For example, you cannot use a hyphen in place of the slash; the following command will not pass Server as a named argument; instead, it will treat -Server:atl-dc-01 as the value of a single unnamed argument

因此,使用 /ism:"C:\InstallShield\Windows\xyz.ism" 参数。

如果 BuildInstalls.vbs 不是您自己的作品,也许它接受 /help/H/? 或类似的选项?