从自引用 table 获取 'root records'

Getting 'root records' from self-referencing table

我有一个自引用 table:有一个 ID 和一个 PARENTID 列,允许将记录按层次结构排序(我们称它们为记录层次结构)。

还有一个查询(我们称它为 'Query A'),return 是此 table 中的记录列表。一些 returned 记录是 'root records' (PARENTID = NULL),而一些是非根记录 (PARENTID != NULL)。请注意,'Query A' 可以 return 属于同一记录层次结构的多个记录。

我需要以最有效的方式完成(效率很重要但不是最重要的)是获取由 'Query A' 编辑的所有记录的根记录,以便非根记录在 'Query A' 中搜索它们的根记录。

如果要检索每个项目的 Root 项,则可以使用以下方法:

select t1.*,(case when t1.PARENTID is null then t1.ID else t1.PARENTID end ) Id_Root , 0 IsTraced into #tmp
from TableName t1 
left outer join TableName t2 on t1.ID=t1.PARENTID
order by t1.PARENTID

while exists(select TOP 1 * , (select PARENTID  from #tmp where ID=t1.PARENTID) Id_GrandParent from #tmp t1 where IsTraced=0 order by PARENTID desc )
        Declare @CurrentID as uniqueIdentifier
        set @CurrentID = (select TOP 1 ID from #tmp t1 where IsTraced=0 order by PARENTID desc )
        Declare @CurrentParentID as uniqueIdentifier
        set @CurrentParentID = (select TOP 1 PARENTID from #tmp t1 where IsTraced=0 order by PARENTID desc )
        Declare @CurrentGrandParentID as uniqueidentifier
        set @CurrentGrandParentID=(select PARENTID from #tmp where ID=@CurrentParentID)

        if(@CurrentGrandParentID is null)
            update #tmp set IsTraced=1 where ID=@CurrentID
            update #tmp set PARENTID= @CurrentGrandParentID, Id_Root=@CurrentGrandParentID  where ID=@CurrentID

select ID,Id_Root
from #tmp 
order by PARENTID

如您所见,在 while 循环之后,您可以从 Temp Table #tmp

中检索每个元素的 IDId_Root


declare @TableA table
  ID int,
  ParentID int NULL,
  Name varchar(100)

insert into @TableA(ID, ParentID, Name)
(1, NULL, 'root 1'),
(2, NULL, 'root 2'),
(3, 2, 'node 3->2'),
(4, 1, 'node 4->1'),
(5, 4, 'node 5->4->1'),
(6, 3, 'node 6->3->2'),
(7, 4, 'node 7->4->1'),
(8, 7, 'node 8->7->4->1')

;with QueryA as 
  /* your query could be here */
  select t.ID, t.Name
  from @TableA t
  where t.ID in (1, 3, 8)
Tree as
  select t.ID, t.ParentID, t.Name,
    case when t.ParentID is NULL then t.ID end as RootID
  from @TableA t
  /* starting from rows we have in QueryA */
  where t.ID in (select q.ID from QueryA q)

  union all

  select tt.ID, t.ParentID, t.Name,
    case when t.ParentID is NULL then t.ID end as RootID
  from @TableA t
  /* recursion to parents */
  inner join Tree tt on tt.ParentID = t.ID
select q.ID, q.Name, t.Name as RootName
from QueryA q
inner join Tree t on t.ID = q.ID and t.RootID is not NULL
order by 1, 2

您也可以从构建树开始而不链接到 QueryA(对于整个 table)。会显得简单一些。在这种情况下,您将仅在最终语句中引用 QueryA。


Select * from QueryA where PARENTID is null

在查询引擎对所有记录进行真正详尽的搜索h 之后,为您获取所有根记录! PARENTID 不为空的所有其他记录都不是根记录,根据定义它们是子记录。