在 gitlab 上删除后如何删除 phpstorm 上的远程分支?

How to delete remote branch on phpstorm after I delete on gitlab?


在 GitLab 上删除该分支后,我无法在我的 PhpStorm 管理的本地存储库中 select 同一分支而不看到错误消息:

Failed to delete remote branch origin/branch1

unable to delete 'branch1': remote ref does not exist failed to push
some refs to 'http://user@gitlab.company.com/owner/projectname.git'


当远程存储库不再有特定分支时会出现这种情况,但像 PhpStorm 这样的 IntelliJ GUI 仍然将其引用为远程跟踪分支。
See IDEA-96402(2012 年 12 月,尚未关闭):

Remote branches on a project hosted on bitbucket.org don't exist anymore, but are still listed on my phpstorm installation.

  1. Bitbucket does not list the branch anymore
  2. When I select the branch to delete from within PHPSTORM, i receive the message
Failed to delete remote branch origin/hotfix/bug-121: null: NON_EXISTING


  1. You can call git remote prune origin in the command line.
  2. If you call Update Project to pull from the remote, it will automatically prune all obsolete references.


Note that if you delete a remote branch from the IDE or from the command line, the reference is deleted as well.
This request is about deleting remote reference on the branch which was removed from the remote via some other way, not from this repository.