将 spring 配置映射到集成流程

Mapping spring configuration to integration flows

我有一个 Spring 启动/集成应用程序,其集成流程从 RabbitMQ queues 开始。流程本身和应用程序总体上运行良好,但初始入站 AMQP 配置有很多冗余配置。

目前我有十个 DataType,每个属性都略有不同,其中一些需要在 运行 时定义。我为每个初始化一个入站流,设置几个headers,然后快速将它们转储到一个公共通道中进行处理。

NetworkDiagnostic DataType 一个 的 Java 配置如下所示:

public IntegrationFlow inboundNetworkDiagnosticFlow(@Qualifier("connectionFactory") ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
                                                    @Qualifier(BeanNames.INBOUND_EVENTS_CHANNEL) MessageChannel outbound,
                                                    @Qualifier(BeanNames.JSON_NODE_MESSAGE_CONVERTER) MessageConverter messageConverter,
                                                    @Qualifier("networkDiagnosticQueue") Queue queue,
                                                    @Value("${networkDiagnostic.numConsumers}") int numConsumers,
                                                    @Value("${networkDiagnostic.prefetchCount}") int prefetchCount) {
    return makeEventIntegrationFlow(connectionFactory, outbound, messageConverter, queue, numConsumers, prefetchCount,


public Binding networkDiagnosticBinding(@Qualifier("networkDiagnosticQueue") Queue queue) {
    return makeFanoutBinding(queue, NETWORK_DIAGNOSTIC_EXCHANGE_NAME);

public Queue networkDiagnosticQueue() {

public FanoutExchange networkDiagnosticExchange() {
    return new FanoutExchange(NETWORK_DIAGNOSTIC_EXCHANGE_NAME);

还有另外九个并行配置。我想进一步考虑这一点,以便 a) 删除重复,以及 b) 可以简单地从服务器上的配置文件配置更多输入。


   - name: network-diagnostic
     schema: event
     window_type: hourly
     exchange_name: blahblahblah
     queue_name: blahblahblah
   - name: log-diagnostic

其中,通过 @ConfigurationProperties 我将映射到 class 或多或少像:

 * Organizes information and configuration for a DataType
public class DataType {
    private String name;
    private Schema schema;
    private WindowType windowType;
    private long bucketLength;

    private String exchange;
    private String routingKey;

而且我需要一些方法 -- registerAllBeans -- 期望所有数据类型,它创建所有必要的 bean(及其相互关系),并在每个上调用 SingletonBeanRegistry::registerSingleton .

就是说,我不确定该方法何时应该 运行,以及如何将其变为 运行。一方面,我需要它 运行 一旦配置属性创建的 beans 可以访问,但在生命周期管理开始之前(所以我的集成流将被管理),最好在 RabbitAdmin::afterPropertiesSet 之前我还可以获得我的 RabbitMQ objects 的隐式声明。


更新:我听从了下面@ArtemBilan 的建议,并能够编写一个模拟示例,我将其包含在此处。

主要 class 的:

public class DemoApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplicationBuilder parentBuilder = new SpringApplicationBuilder(DemoApplication.class);
        parentBuilder.child(ChildConfiguration.class).properties("name=bob", "message='hi how are you?'").run();
        parentBuilder.child(ChildConfiguration.class).properties("name=jane", "message='hi how are you?'").run();

    public IntegrationFlow integrationFlow() {
        Object object = new Object();
        return IntegrationFlows.from("inputChannel")
                .handle(m -> System.out.println(object + " " + m.getPayload() + " " + System.currentTimeMillis()))

child 配置:

public class ChildConfiguration {

    public IntegrationFlow anotherOutgoingFlow(Sample sample) {
        return IntegrationFlows
                .from(() -> new GenericMessage<>("hello " + sample.getName() + "; " + sample.getMessage()),
                        m -> m.poller(Pollers.fixedDelay(500)))


public class Sample {
    private String name;
    private String message;

    public Sample() { }

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public String getMessage() {
        return message;

    public void setMessage(String message) {
        this.message = message;


2016-03-25 17:12:04.109  INFO 24637 --- [           main] com.example.DemoApplication              : Started DemoApplication in 0.169 seconds (JVM running for 3.878)
java.lang.Object@25c4da11 hello bob; 'hi how are you?' 1458940324438
java.lang.Object@25c4da11 hello jane; 'hi how are you?' 1458940324607
java.lang.Object@25c4da11 hello bob; 'hi how are you?' 1458940324938
java.lang.Object@25c4da11 hello jane; 'hi how are you?' 1458940325108
java.lang.Object@25c4da11 hello bob; 'hi how are you?' 1458940325439

考虑为您的应用程序使用 parent/child 架构,届时您将能够根据提供的环境重用模板配置。

有关详细信息,请参阅 Spring Boot Reference Manual