perl 获取嵌套函数和参数(text::balanced 或普通 perl)

perl get nested functions and parameters (text::balanced or plain perl)

我有一个包含以下内容的文本文件,我想用 perl 提取数组或其他数据结构中的嵌套函数(包括 rootfunc)。


rootfunc aaa with string1 {
    blah blah
    subfunc bbb (different parameters) {
        blah blah
    subfunc others_in_aaa (different parameters) {
        blah blah

rootfunc ccc with string2 {
    blah blah
    if (blah) {
        blah blah
    } else {
        blah blah
    subfunc others_in_ccc (different parameters) {
        blah blah

rootfunc others with stringothers {
    blah blah
    subfunc others_in_others (different parameters) {
        blah blah

我想提取所有的 rootfunc 和 subfunc,输出如下:

预期输出文件(不,if/else 也被删除):

rootfunc aaa with string1 {
    subfunc bbb (different parameters) {
    subfunc others_in_aaa (different parameters) {

rootfunc ccc with string2 {
    subfunc others_in_ccc (different parameters) {

rootfunc others with stringothers {
    subfunc others_in_others (different parameters) {

使用下面的perl脚本,我只能提取rootfunc括号中的内容,然后获取subfunc中的内容,但是rootfunc name/parameters和subfunc name/parameters丢失了:

PERL 脚本:

use Text::Balanced qw(extract_multiple extract_bracketed);

open(FILE, "/tmp/a") || die "Unable to open /tmp/a: $!\n";
    local $/=undef;
    my $file = <FILE>;
my @array = extract_multiple($file, [sub{extract_bracketed($_[0], '{}')},], undef, 1);



sub squeeze {
    my( $s ) = @_;
    $s =~ s/(?<=\{\n)[^(){}]*?(?= *subfunc)//sg;
    $s =~ s/(?<=\{)[^(){}]*?(?=\})//sg;
    return $s;


sub squeeze {
    my( $s ) = @_;
    my $out = '';
    while( $s =~ s/^(\s*rootfunc[^{]*\{).*?(?=\s*subfunc)//s ){
        $out .=  ;
        while( $s =~ s/^(\s*subfunc[^)]+\)\s*).*?(?=\{)//s ){
            $out .= ;
            my( $ext, $rem ) = extract_bracketed( $s, '{' );
            $out .= "{}";
            $s = $rem;
        $out .= "}";
        if( $s =~ s/^(\s+\})//s ){
            $s .= ;
    return $out;