一个在二进制文件中搜索的 Java 程序

A Java program to search in binary files


我有一个包含字符串 int 的 TreeSet ADT,我想通过这种方式在文件中搜索每个字符串: 首先,我想读取文件的中间页并进行搜索。如果找到字符串,则返回字符串的位置;如果不是,那么我想根据字符串的字母顺序从文件的左半部分或右半部分读取页面。


public class PageBinarySearch {
    final int NOT_FOUND = -1;
    final int BOUND_LIMIT = -1;
    final int EVRTHG_OK = 0;
    final int ON = 1;
    final int OFF = 0;
    private DataInputStream inFile;
    private String[] readBuffer; //This buffer is used to read a specified page from
                              //the disk.
    private String[] auxBuffer;  //Auxiliary buffer is used for searching in the la-
                              //st page. This buffer has less than PAGE_SIZE ele-
    private int lastPage, leftElemNum, lastPageNo;
    private int diskAccessMeter; //This variable is used to count disk accesses.
    private int firstNum;

    //Constructor of the class
    public PageBinarySearch(String filename, String key, int PageSize, int numPage, int numOfWords) throws IOException{
        System.out.println("Binary Search on disk pages");
        //Initializing the elements of the class.
        readBuffer = new String[PageSize];
        lastPage = numPage*PageSize;
        leftElemNum = numOfWords-(lastPage);
        auxBuffer = new String[leftElemNum];
        lastPageNo = numPage;
        diskAccessMeter = 0;
        basicPageBinarySearchMethod(filename, 0, lastPageNo, key,PageSize,numPage,numOfWords);
        System.out.println("Disk accesses:"+this.getDiskAccessMeter());

    //Recursive binary search on disk pages.
    public void basicPageBinarySearchMethod(String filename, int start, int end,
                                            String key, int PageSize, int numPage, int numOfWords) throws IOException{
        inFile = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename));

        int bound = boundHandler(start, key);
        if (bound != EVRTHG_OK){return;}

        int midPage = start + (end-start)/2;
        int midPageIndex = ((midPage) * (PageSize));
        int midPageEnd = midPageIndex + PageSize;

        System.out.println(" Index:"+midPageIndex+" End:"+midPageEnd);

        //Accessing midPage's index.
        accessPageIndex(midPageIndex - 1);


        if (key.compareTo(readBuffer[0])<0){
            //Case that the key is in the left part.
            end = midPage - 1;
            inFile.close(); //We close the stream because in the next recursion
                            //we want to access new midPage.
            basicPageBinarySearchMethod(filename, start, end, key, PageSize, numPage, numOfWords);
        else if (key.compareTo(readBuffer[255])>0){
            //Case that the key is in the left part.
            start = midPage+1;
            basicPageBinarySearchMethod(filename, start, end, key, PageSize, numPage, numOfWords);
            //Case that:
            //a) key is bigger than the integer, which is in the midPage-
            //Index position of the file, and
            //b) key is less than the integer, which is in the midPageEnd
            //position of the file.
            LookingOnPage(midPage, key);


    public int boundHandler(int start, String key) throws IOException{
        if (start == this.getLastPageNo()){
            //In this case the program has to start searching in the last page, 
            //which has less than PAGE_SIZE elements. So we call the alternative
            //function "LookingOnLastPage".
            System.out.println("Start == End");
            return BOUND_LIMIT;
        //if (key < this.getFirstNum()){

            //System.out.println("Key does not exist.");
            //return BOUND_LIMIT;

        return EVRTHG_OK;

    //This function is running a binary search in the specified disk page, which
    //is saved in the readBuffer.
    public void LookingOnPage(int pageNo, String key) throws IOException{
        int i, result;
        System.out.println("Looking for key:"+key+" on page:"+(pageNo+1));
        result = myBinarySearch(key, readBuffer);
        if (result != -1){
            System.out.println("Key found on page:"+(pageNo+1));
            System.out.println("Key is not found");

    //This function is running a binary search in the last disk page, which
    //is saved in the auxBuffer.
    public void LookingOnLastPage(String key) throws IOException{
        int i, result;
        System.out.println("Looking for key:"+key+" on last page:"
        for (i=0; i<this.getLeftElemNum(); i++){
            auxBuffer[i] = inFile.readUTF();
        result = myBinarySearch(key, auxBuffer);
        if (result != -1){
            System.out.println("Key found on last page");
            System.out.println("Key is not found");

    public void accessPageIndex(int intNum) throws IOException
        //This function is skipping intNum integers in the file, to access page's
        int i;
        System.out.println(" Accessing page's index...");

    public void fillBasicBuffer(int PageSize) throws IOException{
        //Loading readBuffer.
        int i;
        for (i=0; i<PageSize; i++){
            readBuffer[i] = inFile.readUTF();

    //This function implements binary search on a given buffer. 
    public int myBinarySearch(String key, String[] auxBuffer) {
        int lo = 0;
        int hi = auxBuffer.length - 1;
        while (lo <= hi) {
            // Key is in a[lo..hi] or not present.
            int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
            if      (key.compareTo(auxBuffer[mid])<0) hi = mid - 1;
            else if (key.compareTo(auxBuffer[mid])>0) lo = mid + 1;
            else return mid;
        return NOT_FOUND;

    public int getLastPage() {
        return lastPage;
    public void setLastPage(int lastPage) {
        this.lastPage = lastPage;

    public int getLeftElemNum() {
        return leftElemNum;
    public void setLeftElemNum(int leftElemNum) {
        this.leftElemNum = leftElemNum;

    public int getLastPageNo() {
        return lastPageNo;
    public void setLastPageNo(int lastPageNo) {
        this.lastPageNo = lastPageNo;

    public int getDiskAccessMeter() {
        return diskAccessMeter;
    public void setDiskAccessMeter(int diskAccessMeter) {
        this.diskAccessMeter = diskAccessMeter;

    public int getFirstNum() {
        return firstNum;

    public void setFirstNum(String filename) throws IOException {
        inFile = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename));
        this.firstNum = inFile.readInt();



public class MyMain {

    private static final int DataPageSize = 128; // Default Data Page size

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        TreeSet<DictPage> listOfWords = new TreeSet<DictPage>(new MyDictPageComp());
        LinkedList<Page> Eurethrio = new LinkedList<Page>();

        File file = new File("C:\Kennedy.txt");
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file)));
        //This will reference one line at a time...
        String line = null;
        int line_count=0; //Metavliti gia na metrame grammes ..
        int byte_count; //Metavliti gia na metrame bytes...
        int total_byte_count=0; //Metavliti gia synoliko arithmo bytes ...
        int fromIndex;

        int middleP;
        int kat = 0;
        while( (line = br.readLine())!= null ){
            String [] tokens = line.split(",\s+|\s*\\"\s*|\s+|\.\s*|\s*\:\s*");
            String line_rest=line;
            for (int i=1; i <= tokens.length; i++) {
                byte_count = line_rest.indexOf(tokens[i-1]);
                fromIndex = fromIndex + byte_count + 1 + tokens[i-1].length();
                if (fromIndex < line.length())
                    line_rest = line.substring(fromIndex);
                listOfWords.add(new DictPage(tokens[i-1],kat));
                Eurethrio.add(new Page("Kennedy",fromIndex));
                total_byte_count += fromIndex;
                Eurethrio.add(new Page("Kennedy", total_byte_count));

        //for(DictPage p : listOfWords){
            //System.out.println(p.getWord() + " " + p.getPage());

        //for (int i = 0;i<Eurethrio.size();i++){
            //System.out.println(""+Eurethrio.get(i).getFile()+" "+Eurethrio.get(i).getBytes());

        ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(128) ;
        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(bos);
        String s ;
        int integ;
        byte[] buf ;
        int nPag=1; //Aritmos selidwn
        int numOfWords=0;
        for (DictPage p : listOfWords){
            s = p.getWord();
            integ = p.getPage();

            byte dst[] = new byte[20];
            byte[] src = s.getBytes(); //metatrepei se bytes to string
            System.arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 1, src.length); //to antigrafei ston buffer dst
            out.write(dst, 0, 20);  // to grafei sto arxeio

            out.writeInt(integ);  // grafei ton akeraio sto file


            buf = bos.toByteArray(); // Creates a newly allocated byte array.
            System.out.println("\nbuf size: " + buf.length + " bytes");
             //dhmiourgia selidas (h opoia einai enas byte array)
            if(buf.length> nPag*DataPageSize){
            byte[] DataPage = new byte[nPag*DataPageSize];
            System.arraycopy( buf, 0, DataPage, 0, buf.length); // antigrafw buf sth selida
            bos.close();//kleinw buf

            // write to the file
            RandomAccessFile MyFile = new RandomAccessFile ("newbabis", "rw");
        System.out.println("Number of Pages :"+nPag);
       if (nPag%2 == 0){
           middleP = nPag/2;
           middleP = (nPag+1)/2;
       System.out.println("Middle page is no:"+middleP);

       PageBinarySearch BinarySearch;
    String key;
    for(DictPage p : listOfWords){
        key = p.getWord();
        BinarySearch = new PageBinarySearch("C:\Kennedy.txt", key , DataPageSize, nPag, numOfWords);


使用缓冲输入流而不是数据输入流 并在您的源代码中调整它的用法

因为数据输入流的readUTF方法会到达 如果没有数据写入文件,则立即结束文件 数据输出流方法 writeUTF 或类似方法。

注意:这不会修复您的程序。它 会导致堆栈溢出,因为你的递归 二进制搜索方法不 return

private BufferedInputStream inFile;

public void basicPageBinarySearchMethod(String filename, int start, int end,
                                        String key, int PageSize, int numPage, int numOfWords) throws IOException{
    inFile = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename));

public void accessPageIndex(int intNum) throws IOException
    //This function is skipping intNum integers in the file, to access page's
    int i;
    System.out.println(" Accessing page's index...");
 public void LookingOnLastPage(String key) throws IOException{
    int i, result;
    System.out.println("Looking for key:"+key+" on last page:"
    for (i=0; i<this.getLeftElemNum(); i++){
        auxBuffer[i] = String.valueOf((char)inFile.read());
public void fillBasicBuffer(int PageSize) throws IOException{
    //Loading readBuffer.
    int i;
    for (i=0; i < PageSize; i++){
        char c = (char)inFile.read();
        readBuffer[i] = String.valueOf(c);

 public void setFirstNum(String filename) throws IOException {
    inFile = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename));
    this.firstNum = inFile.read();