C++ 在向量中动态访问向量

C++ dynamically access vector within a vector


struct rtok {
    std::string type;
    std::string val;

struct rnode  {
    rtok tok;
    vector<rnode> child;
} node;

vector<rnode> ptree;

如您所见,我的解析树只是一个"vector of vectors"。我还有一个函数可以将一个新节点插入到解析树中:

void add_term(rtok tok) {
    rnode n;
    n.tok = tok;

但是这个函数的问题是,它只将项目插入到第一个向量的 child 向量中。即我如何让我的函数动态地添加更多 children 到解析树中? 即我怎样才能让我的函数做这样的事情:


如果有办法动态添加 child.back() 那就太好了!显然我不认为有,但我希望这能说明我的观点。


struct rnode  {
  rtok tok;
  vector<rnode> child;
  rnode& back() {
    // if our current node has empty child, return it
    if (child.empty()) return *this;
    // else recursive call this function for the last element of child vector of this node
    else return child.back().back(); // use recursion to get the last non empty vector
  rnode& unrolled_back() {
    // get a pointer to the current struct
    rnode* ptr = this; 
    // if the child has non empty vector, move pointer to its last element
    while (!ptr->child.empty()) {
      // get the address of the last element (we have checked that it has elements already) and assign it to ptr
      ptr = const_cast<rnode*>(&(ptr->child.back())); 
    return *ptr;
  void unrolled_push_back(const rnode& node) {
    // get the last structure that has empty child vector
    auto& last = unrolled_back();
    // add element to it's child

  void push_back(const rnode& node) {
    if (child.empty()) child.push_back(node);
    else return child.back().push_back(node);  // use recursion to get the last non empty vector
} node;

int main() {
  rnode node;
  auto& r1 = node.back();
  assert(&r1 == &node);
  auto& r2 = node.back();
  assert(&r2 == &(node.child.back().child.back()));
  assert(!(&r2 == &(node.child.back())));
  return 0;
