Xcode 告诉我输入预期的 ',' 分隔符

Xcode is telling me to put in expected ',' separator

xcode 告诉我输入预期的 ',' 分隔符。下面是我的代码。即使我输入 Xcode 告诉我的内容,我仍然会收到错误消息。有谁知道我可能做错了什么?

        } else {

            if let p = placemarks?[0] {

                var subThoroughfare:String = ""

                if (p.throughfare != nil {

                    subThoroughfare = p.subThoroughfare

            } // there are telling me to put this ',' here

                self.addressLabel.text = "\(subThoroughfare) \(p.thoroughfare) \n \(p.subLocality) \n \(p.subAdministrativeArea) \n \(p.postalCode) \n \(p.country)"

                } // xcode is telling me to put this ',' here

        } // xcode is telling me to put this ',' here            



if (p.throughfare != nil) {  
  subThoroughfare = p.subThoroughfare

如果它仍然显示错误,请在您的代码中也显示 if 部分,这将有助于理解完整代码,因为末尾看起来也有额外的括号