
Scroll to selected row when the row is selected programatic

    dataTextField: "Description",
    dataValueField: "ID",
    dataSource: {
        data: gridData
    filterable: {
        extra: false,
        operators: {
            string: {
                startswith: $("#" + getId(controlPrefix, "hiddenFilterStartsWith")).val(),
                endswith: $("#" + getId(controlPrefix, "hiddenFilterEndsWith")).val(),
                eq: $("#" + getId(controlPrefix, "hiddenFilterEq")).val(),
                neq: $("#" + getId(controlPrefix, "hiddenFilterNeq")).val(),
                contains: $("#" + getId(controlPrefix, "hiddenFilterContains")).val()
        messages: {
            clear: $("#" + getId(controlPrefix, "hiddenFilterClear")).val(),
            filter: $("#" + getId(controlPrefix, "hiddenFilterFilter")).val(),
            info: $("#" + getId(controlPrefix, "hiddenFilterInfo")).val()
    columns: [
        { field: "ID", title: gridTitles[0], width: 200 },
        { field: "Description", title: gridTitles[1], width: 200 }
    height: 450,
    selectable: "row",
    change: function (e) {
            scrollTop: this.select().offset().top - this.element.find('.k-grid-content').offset().top

I have this kendo grid and I wanto to select a item and automatic scroll to it, the change event is triggered but when I select from code the offset().top has the same values for both elements and when I select it with the mouse it works

Here I make the selection in the code

var employeeFilter = $("#" + getId(controlPrefix, inputControlId)).val();

if (employeeFilter != "") {
    grid.data("kendoGrid").select(grid.data("kendoGrid").tbody.find(">tr:has(td:contains('" + employeeFilter + "'))"));

If somebody can help me to select the item using code and automatic scroll to it ?


grid.data("kendoGrid").select(grid.find("tr:has(td:contains('" + employeeFilter + "'))"));

问题在于如何计算 scrollTop 的值。由于您在网格上而不是在整个页面上使用 animate(),因此您需要行相对于网格而不是页面的相对偏移量。即使网格已经滚动,您也可以使用 position() (offset() gives you the offset relative to the document). And you don't need to substract the offset of the grid, actually you need to add the scrollTop() 值获得相对于父级的偏移量以获得 scrollTop 的正确值。


var kendoGrid = grid.data("kendoGrid");
                            scrollTop: kendoGrid.select().position().top 
                                       - kendoGrid.element.find('.k-grid-content').position().top 
                                       + kendoGrid.element.find('.k-grid-content').scrollTop()
