Using a macro to initialize a big array of non-Copy elements
我正在尝试使用相同的初始化程序初始化大量元素。 64 个元素只是一个例子——我想让它至少达到 16k。不幸的是一个简单的
let array : [AllocatedMemory<u8>; 64] = [AllocatedMemory::<u8>{mem:&mut []};64];
不会工作,因为 AllocatedMemory
结构没有实现 Copy
error: the trait `core::marker::Copy` is not implemented for the type `AllocatedMemory<'_, u8>` [E0277]
let array : [AllocatedMemory<u8>; 64] = [AllocatedMemory::<u8>{mem:&mut []}; 64];
struct AllocatedMemory<'a, T: 'a> {
mem: &'a mut [T],
macro_rules! init_memory_helper {
(1, $T : ty) => { AllocatedMemory::<$T>{mem: &mut []} };
(2, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(1, $T), init_memory_helper!(1, $T) };
(4, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(2, $T), init_memory_helper!(2, $T) };
(8, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(4, $T), init_memory_helper!(4, $T) };
(16, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(8, $T), init_memory_helper!(8, $T) };
(32, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(16, $T), init_memory_helper!(16, $T) };
(64, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(32, $T), init_memory_helper!(32, $T) };
macro_rules! init_memory {
(1, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(1, $T)] };
(2, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(2, $T)] };
(4, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(4, $T)] };
(8, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(8, $T)] };
(16, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(16, $T)] };
(32, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(32, $T)] };
(64, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(64, $T)] };
fn main() {
let array: [AllocatedMemory<u8>; 64] = init_memory!(64, u8);
println!("{:?}", array[0].mem.len());
error: macro expansion ignores token `,` and any following
(64, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(32, $T), init_memory_helper!(32, $T) };
note: caused by the macro expansion here; the usage of `init_memory_helper!` is likely invalid in expression context
这些宏的问题在于,前者在 Rust 中不会产生有效的语法形式——用逗号组合的两个表达式本身并不是有效的形式。它在另一个宏中 "injected" 进入方括号的事实是无关紧要的。
fn make_array<T, N: usize, F>(f: F) -> [T; N] where F: FnMut() -> T
let array: [_; 64] = make_array(|| AllocatedMemory::<u8>{ mem: &mut [] })
但是,遗憾的是,Rust 中还没有这样的东西。您必须改用 Vec
之类的动态结构。您也可以尝试 arrayvec,它为某些固定大小的数组提供了类似于 Vec
的 API;使用它你可以做这样的事情:
use arrayvec::ArrayVec; // 0.5.1
fn main() {
let mut array = ArrayVec::<[_; 64]>::new();
for _ in 0..array.len() {
array.push(AllocatedMemory::<u8> { mem: &mut [] });
let array = array.into_inner(); // array: [AllocatedMemory<u8>; 64]
- How do I collect into an array?
问题是the expansion of a macro absolutely must be a complete and independently valid grammar element。您不能扩展到 a, b
,就像您不能扩展到 42 +
。在 Rust 中也没有办法(静态地)连接或 cons 数组;整个数组初始化程序必须扩展到 一个 步骤。
这可以通过 push-down accumulation 使用宏来完成。诀窍是您将语法上尚未有效的部分数组表达式 down 传递给递归,而不是在返回的路上进行构造。当你到达扩展的底部时,你会立即发出现在完整的表达式。
这是一个支持长度为 0 到 8 的数组以及 2 的幂到 64 的宏:
macro_rules! array {
(@accum (0, $($_es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@as_expr [$($body)*])};
(@accum (1, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (0, $($es),*) -> ($($body)* $($es,)*))};
(@accum (2, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (0, $($es),*) -> ($($body)* $($es,)* $($es,)*))};
(@accum (3, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (2, $($es),*) -> ($($body)* $($es,)*))};
(@accum (4, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (2, $($es,)* $($es),*) -> ($($body)*))};
(@accum (5, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (4, $($es),*) -> ($($body)* $($es,)*))};
(@accum (6, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (4, $($es),*) -> ($($body)* $($es,)* $($es,)*))};
(@accum (7, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (4, $($es),*) -> ($($body)* $($es,)* $($es,)* $($es,)*))};
(@accum (8, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (4, $($es,)* $($es),*) -> ($($body)*))};
(@accum (16, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (8, $($es,)* $($es),*) -> ($($body)*))};
(@accum (32, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (16, $($es,)* $($es),*) -> ($($body)*))};
(@accum (64, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (32, $($es,)* $($es),*) -> ($($body)*))};
(@as_expr $e:expr) => {$e};
[$e:expr; $n:tt] => { array!(@accum ($n, $e) -> ()) };
fn main() {
let ones: [i32; 64] = array![1; 64];
println!("{:?}", &ones[..]);
这里的策略是将输入的大小乘以 2 的幂,然后加上非 2 的幂的余数。这是为了通过确保 $n
快速下降值来避免宏递归限制(我相信默认值为 64)。
只是为了防止频繁的后续问题:否,你不能用算术来简化它;你不能在宏中做算术运算。 :)
附录:如果您不确定这是如何工作的,您可以在编译时将 -Z trace-macros
传递给 rustc
并查看每个宏调用展开。以 array![1; 6]
array! { 1 ; 6 }
array! { @ accum ( 6 , 1 ) -> ( ) }
array! { @ accum ( 4 , 1 ) -> ( 1 , 1 , ) }
array! { @ accum ( 2 , 1 , 1 ) -> ( 1 , 1 , ) }
array! { @ accum ( 0 , 1 , 1 ) -> ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , ) }
array! { @ as_expr [ 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , ] }
一个"safe" implementation which runs on stable, heavily inspired by Reddit:
// #![feature(core_intrinsics)]
// use std::ptr;
use std::mem;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
type MyStructValue = Vec<usize>;
type UsizeToVecBuilder = Box<dyn Fn(usize) -> Vec<usize>>;
struct MyStruct {
value: MyStructValue,
macro_rules! make_array {
([$t:ident; $n:expr], $constructor:expr, $builder:expr) => {{
let mut data: [MaybeUninit<$t>; $n] = unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() };
let mut i: usize = 0;
for elem in &mut data[..] {
*elem = MaybeUninit::new($constructor(i, $builder));
i += 1;
unsafe { mem::transmute::<_, [$t; $n]>(data) }
fn main() {
[MyStruct; 5],
|i, b: UsizeToVecBuilder| MyStruct { value: b(i) },
Box::new(|i| (0..i + 1).collect())
// unstable version: (see reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/29ymbx/a_macro_to_fill_a_fixed_length_array/)
// macro_rules! make_array {
// ($n:expr, $constructor:expr) => {{
// let mut items: [_; $n] = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
// for i in 0..$n {
// let val = $constructor(i);
// unsafe {
// std::intrinsics::volatile_copy_nonoverlapping_memory(
// &mut items[i], &val, 1
// );
// // ptr::copy_nonoverlapping_memory(&mut items[i], &val, 1);
// mem::forget(val);
// }
// }
// items
// }}
// }
// fn main() {
// unstable version:
// println!("{:?}", make_array!(5, |i| MyStruct { value: i }));
// }
我正在尝试使用相同的初始化程序初始化大量元素。 64 个元素只是一个例子——我想让它至少达到 16k。不幸的是一个简单的
let array : [AllocatedMemory<u8>; 64] = [AllocatedMemory::<u8>{mem:&mut []};64];
不会工作,因为 AllocatedMemory
结构没有实现 Copy
error: the trait `core::marker::Copy` is not implemented for the type `AllocatedMemory<'_, u8>` [E0277]
let array : [AllocatedMemory<u8>; 64] = [AllocatedMemory::<u8>{mem:&mut []}; 64];
struct AllocatedMemory<'a, T: 'a> {
mem: &'a mut [T],
macro_rules! init_memory_helper {
(1, $T : ty) => { AllocatedMemory::<$T>{mem: &mut []} };
(2, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(1, $T), init_memory_helper!(1, $T) };
(4, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(2, $T), init_memory_helper!(2, $T) };
(8, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(4, $T), init_memory_helper!(4, $T) };
(16, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(8, $T), init_memory_helper!(8, $T) };
(32, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(16, $T), init_memory_helper!(16, $T) };
(64, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(32, $T), init_memory_helper!(32, $T) };
macro_rules! init_memory {
(1, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(1, $T)] };
(2, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(2, $T)] };
(4, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(4, $T)] };
(8, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(8, $T)] };
(16, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(16, $T)] };
(32, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(32, $T)] };
(64, $T : ty) => { [init_memory_helper!(64, $T)] };
fn main() {
let array: [AllocatedMemory<u8>; 64] = init_memory!(64, u8);
println!("{:?}", array[0].mem.len());
error: macro expansion ignores token `,` and any following
(64, $T : ty) => { init_memory_helper!(32, $T), init_memory_helper!(32, $T) };
note: caused by the macro expansion here; the usage of `init_memory_helper!` is likely invalid in expression context
这些宏的问题在于,前者在 Rust 中不会产生有效的语法形式——用逗号组合的两个表达式本身并不是有效的形式。它在另一个宏中 "injected" 进入方括号的事实是无关紧要的。
fn make_array<T, N: usize, F>(f: F) -> [T; N] where F: FnMut() -> T
let array: [_; 64] = make_array(|| AllocatedMemory::<u8>{ mem: &mut [] })
但是,遗憾的是,Rust 中还没有这样的东西。您必须改用 Vec
之类的动态结构。您也可以尝试 arrayvec,它为某些固定大小的数组提供了类似于 Vec
的 API;使用它你可以做这样的事情:
use arrayvec::ArrayVec; // 0.5.1
fn main() {
let mut array = ArrayVec::<[_; 64]>::new();
for _ in 0..array.len() {
array.push(AllocatedMemory::<u8> { mem: &mut [] });
let array = array.into_inner(); // array: [AllocatedMemory<u8>; 64]
- How do I collect into an array?
问题是the expansion of a macro absolutely must be a complete and independently valid grammar element。您不能扩展到 a, b
,就像您不能扩展到 42 +
。在 Rust 中也没有办法(静态地)连接或 cons 数组;整个数组初始化程序必须扩展到 一个 步骤。
这可以通过 push-down accumulation 使用宏来完成。诀窍是您将语法上尚未有效的部分数组表达式 down 传递给递归,而不是在返回的路上进行构造。当你到达扩展的底部时,你会立即发出现在完整的表达式。
这是一个支持长度为 0 到 8 的数组以及 2 的幂到 64 的宏:
macro_rules! array {
(@accum (0, $($_es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@as_expr [$($body)*])};
(@accum (1, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (0, $($es),*) -> ($($body)* $($es,)*))};
(@accum (2, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (0, $($es),*) -> ($($body)* $($es,)* $($es,)*))};
(@accum (3, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (2, $($es),*) -> ($($body)* $($es,)*))};
(@accum (4, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (2, $($es,)* $($es),*) -> ($($body)*))};
(@accum (5, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (4, $($es),*) -> ($($body)* $($es,)*))};
(@accum (6, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (4, $($es),*) -> ($($body)* $($es,)* $($es,)*))};
(@accum (7, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (4, $($es),*) -> ($($body)* $($es,)* $($es,)* $($es,)*))};
(@accum (8, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (4, $($es,)* $($es),*) -> ($($body)*))};
(@accum (16, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (8, $($es,)* $($es),*) -> ($($body)*))};
(@accum (32, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (16, $($es,)* $($es),*) -> ($($body)*))};
(@accum (64, $($es:expr),*) -> ($($body:tt)*))
=> {array!(@accum (32, $($es,)* $($es),*) -> ($($body)*))};
(@as_expr $e:expr) => {$e};
[$e:expr; $n:tt] => { array!(@accum ($n, $e) -> ()) };
fn main() {
let ones: [i32; 64] = array![1; 64];
println!("{:?}", &ones[..]);
这里的策略是将输入的大小乘以 2 的幂,然后加上非 2 的幂的余数。这是为了通过确保 $n
快速下降值来避免宏递归限制(我相信默认值为 64)。
只是为了防止频繁的后续问题:否,你不能用算术来简化它;你不能在宏中做算术运算。 :)
附录:如果您不确定这是如何工作的,您可以在编译时将 -Z trace-macros
传递给 rustc
并查看每个宏调用展开。以 array![1; 6]
array! { 1 ; 6 }
array! { @ accum ( 6 , 1 ) -> ( ) }
array! { @ accum ( 4 , 1 ) -> ( 1 , 1 , ) }
array! { @ accum ( 2 , 1 , 1 ) -> ( 1 , 1 , ) }
array! { @ accum ( 0 , 1 , 1 ) -> ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , ) }
array! { @ as_expr [ 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , ] }
一个"safe" implementation which runs on stable, heavily inspired by Reddit:
// #![feature(core_intrinsics)]
// use std::ptr;
use std::mem;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
type MyStructValue = Vec<usize>;
type UsizeToVecBuilder = Box<dyn Fn(usize) -> Vec<usize>>;
struct MyStruct {
value: MyStructValue,
macro_rules! make_array {
([$t:ident; $n:expr], $constructor:expr, $builder:expr) => {{
let mut data: [MaybeUninit<$t>; $n] = unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() };
let mut i: usize = 0;
for elem in &mut data[..] {
*elem = MaybeUninit::new($constructor(i, $builder));
i += 1;
unsafe { mem::transmute::<_, [$t; $n]>(data) }
fn main() {
[MyStruct; 5],
|i, b: UsizeToVecBuilder| MyStruct { value: b(i) },
Box::new(|i| (0..i + 1).collect())
// unstable version: (see reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/29ymbx/a_macro_to_fill_a_fixed_length_array/)
// macro_rules! make_array {
// ($n:expr, $constructor:expr) => {{
// let mut items: [_; $n] = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
// for i in 0..$n {
// let val = $constructor(i);
// unsafe {
// std::intrinsics::volatile_copy_nonoverlapping_memory(
// &mut items[i], &val, 1
// );
// // ptr::copy_nonoverlapping_memory(&mut items[i], &val, 1);
// mem::forget(val);
// }
// }
// items
// }}
// }
// fn main() {
// unstable version:
// println!("{:?}", make_array!(5, |i| MyStruct { value: i }));
// }