如何处理laravel 5中的私密图片?

How to deal with private images in laravel 5?

我是 Laravel 的新手,正在尝试存储私人图像,以便只有经过身份验证的用户才能访问它们。首先,我将图像存储在 Public/UserImages 文件夹中。但是,未经身份验证的用户也可以访问这里的所有图片,方法是转到 chrome 的检查元素,然后更改用户 ID。请帮帮我...

这真的取决于你。它需要在 public 目录之外——我个人会选择 resources/uploadsstorage/uploads,或者使用 cloud filesystem support.[=14 将它们完全存储在服务器外=]


以下是我如何解决在 Laravel 5 中存储图像的问题,这样只有经过身份验证的用户才能查看图像。未通过身份验证的人将被定向到登录页面。我的服务器是 Ubuntu/Apache2 服务器。

  1. 创建目录/var/www/YOURWEBSITE/app/Assets/Images

  2. 将路由添加到 app/Http/routes.php.


  3. 创建控制器app/Http/Controllers/ImageController.php

    namespace App\Http\Controllers;
    use App\Http\Requests;
    use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
    use Illuminate\Http\Request;
    use Auth;
    class ImageController extends Controller {
        public function __construct()
        public function getImage($filename) {
           $path = '/var/www/YOURWEBSITE/app/Assets/Images/'.$filename;
           $type = "image/jpeg";
           header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path));
  4. 在您看来,您的 img 标签具有:

    src="{{ url('/images/test.jpg') }}"

这当然假设 test.jpg 是 /var/www/YOURWEBSITE/app/Assets/Images/




  1. 您要做的第一件事是将文件上传到非public 目录。我的应用程序正在存储扫描的发票,因此我将把它们放在 storage/app/invoices 中。上传文件和生成 url 的代码是:

    // This goes inside your controller method handling the POST request.
    $path = $request->file('invoice')->store('invoices');
    $url = env('APP_URL') . Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage::url($path);

    返回的 url 的结果应该类似于 http://yourdomain.com/storage/invoices/uniquefilename.jpg

  2. 现在您必须创建一个使用 auth middleware 的控制器来确保用户已通过身份验证。然后,定义一个从私有目录中获取文件的方法,并将其 returns 作为文件响应。那将是:

    namespace App\Http\Controllers;
    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
    class FileController extends Controller
        public function __construct()
        public function __invoke($file_path)
            if (!Storage::disk('local')->exists($file_path)) {
            $local_path = config('filesystems.disks.local.root') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_path;
            return response()->file($local_path);
  3. 最后一件事是在 routes/web.php 文件中注册路由:

    Route::get('/storage/{file_name}', 'FileController')->where(['file_name' => '.*'])


Laravel 5.7


要拥有私有文件(图像),您需要通过 route => controller 流来提供文件。您的身份验证中间件将处理身份验证和权限。如果需要进一步授权,请在控制器中处理。


在这里我们可以有一个 处理所有 我们文件的路由 [我个人不喜欢那样]。 我们可以使用这样的路线来做到这一点(就像通配符一样)。

Route::get('/storage/{filePath}', 'FileController@fileStorageServe')
->where(['filePath' => '.*'])


Route::get('/storage/{fileName}', 'FileController@fileStorageServe')
->where(['fileName' => '.*'])->name('storage.gallery.file');


Route::get('/storage/gallery/{file}', 'System\FileController@getGalleryImage')

我们现在设置了路线 Controller/Controllers


     public function fileStorageServe($file) {
                // know you can have a mapping so you dont keep the sme names as in local (you can not precsise the same structor as the storage, you can do anything)

                // any permission handling or anything else

                // we check for the existing of the file 
                if (!Storage::disk('local')->exists($filePath)){ // note that disk()->exists() expect a relative path, from your disk root path. so in our example we pass directly the path (/.../laravelProject/storage/app) is the default one (referenced with the helper storage_path('app')
                    abort('404'); // we redirect to 404 page if it doesn't exist
            //file exist let serve it 

// if there is parameters [you can change the files, depending on them. ex serving different content to different regions, or to mobile and desktop ...etc] // repetitive things can be handled through helpers [make helpers]

                return response()->file(storage_path('app'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.($filePath))); // the response()->file() will add the necessary headers in our place (no headers are needed to be provided for images (it's done automatically) expected hearder is of form => ['Content-Type' => 'image/png'];

// big note here don't use Storage::url() // it's not working correctly.  



public function getCompaniesLogo($file) {
    // know you can have a mapping so you dont keep the sme names as in local (you can not precsise the same structor as the storage, you can do anything)

    // any permission handling or anything else

    $filePath =  config('fs.gallery').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file; // here in place of just using 'gallery', i'm setting it in a config file

    // here i'm getting only the path from the root  (this way we can change the root later) / also we can change the structor on the store itself, change in one place config.fs.

    // $filePath = Storage::url($file); <== this doesn't work don't use

     // check for existance
    if (!Storage::disk('local')->exists($file)){ // as mentionned precise relatively to storage disk root (this one work well not like Storage:url()

    // if there is parameters [you can change the files, depending on them. ex serving different content to different regions, or to mobile and desktop ...etc] // repetitive things can be handled through helpers [make helpers]

    return response()->file(storage_path('app'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.($file))); // the response()->file() will add the necessary headers in our place

现在你可以通过形成正确的 url 来检查(转到存储复制过去的文件名,并形成你的路线。它应该会显示图像)




<img src="{{route('routeName', ['fileParam' => $storageRelativePath])}}" />

请注意,上面示例中的 routeName 将是 storage.file,而 fileParam 将是 filePath$storageRelativePath 例如,您从数据库中获取(通常就是这样)。


<img src="{{route('routeName', ['fileName' => basename($storageRelativePath)])}}" />


备注: 发送此类响应的最佳方式是使用 response()->file();。 那就是您将在 5.7 文档中找到的内容。 相对于 Image::make($storagePath)->response(); 的性能明智。除非你需要动态修改它。
