nsight VSE 调试器错误 "code patching failed due to lack of code patching memory"

nsight VSE debugger error "code patching failed due to lack of code patching memory"

当我使用 nsight 调试 cuda 内核时,出现如下 nsight 调试错误。我不知道那是什么意思。看起来与 cuFFT 有关。但是任何人都可以指点一下吗?谢谢

如Nsight报告的错误信息cleared所示,该错误是由于Nsight在设备上没有足够的可用内存来交互式调试您正在使用的代码运行。引自 Nsight 文档:

When the CUDA Memory Checker is enabled, it will consume extra memory on the GPU. If there is not enough patch RAM for the CUDA Debugger, it will give the following error:

Internal debugger error occurred while attempting to launch "KernelName - CUmodule 0x04e67f10: code patching failed due to lack of code patching memory.

If this happens, increase the patch RAM factor by going to Nsight > Options > CUDA > Code Patching Memory Factor.

This is a multiplier of the kernel's instruction size, which is added to a base patch RAM size of 64k.

Another option is to disable the shared or global memory checking, in order to use less patch RAM.

发帖人指出,将代码修补内存系数从 2 增加到 16 解决了这个问题。