
Display dates from list that are of current or future months

使用 PHP,我希望遍历日期列表并仅打印适合当前或未来月份的日期。例如

2015 年 2 月
2015 年 3 月
2015 年 4 月

日期格式为“2015 年 1 月 15 日”。我假设 strtotime 是最好的方法?虽然不确定如何使用它。非常感谢任何方向。

$this_year = date('Y');
$this_month = date('m');    //month in numeric
$year_to_check = date('Y',strtotime($date_to_check));
$month_to_check = date('m',strtotime($date_to_check));

//check if the $this_year is the same or greater than $year_to_check before checking if the months are the same or different

if($year_to_check < $this_year){ //the year is past
   //do not print
 }else if($year == $year_to_check){  //it's either the same year or a future year 
   //check if the month is less
   if($month_to_check < $this_month){
        //the month is past
      //the months are the same or $month_to_check is in the future
 }else if($year_to_check > $this_year){
   //the month is in the future because the $year_to_check is in the future


function checkMyDate($date){
  //set TimeZone
  //create current timestamp
  $d = new DateTime('now');
  //create timestamp from first of the month
  $d->modify('first day of this month');
  $start = $d->getTimestamp();
  //create timestamp from last day of next month
  $d->modify('last day of next month');
  $end = $d->getTimestamp();
  //convert date to timestamp
  $date = strtotime($date);
  echo $start."-".$end."-".$date;
  //check if $date is between $start and $end
  if($date >= $start && $date <= $end){
    return true;
  return false;