MoPub 通过 CocoaPods 安装 AdMob

MoPub install AdMob via CocoaPods

我尝试使用以下 podfile 通过 cocoapods 安装 AdMob 支持:

pod 'mopub-ios-sdk'
pod 'mopub-ios-sdk/AdMob'


[!] The 'Pods' target has transitive dependencies that include static binaries: (/Users/<username>/Documents/Developer/<app>/Pods/Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK/GoogleMobileAdsSdkiOS-7.1.0/GoogleMobileAds.framework)

知道为什么会这样吗?我是 运行 El Capitan 10.11.4、CocoaPods 0.39.0 和 XCode 7.3.

这是我从 MoPub 支持(2016 年 3 月 29 日)收到的答复:

Thanks for reaching out! Unfortunately, the AdMob cocoa pod integration is currently broken. Our team is aware of the problem and is investigating it, but we do not have an ETA for when it will be resolved. I would recommend integrating AdMob by following these steps:

  1. Download the desired third party SDK and add the header files and static libraries to your project. (For iAd you simply need to link against the iAd framework, there is nothing to download).
  2. Add the desired custom event to your project. You do this by cloning the mopub-ios-sdkrepo and dragging the custom event .h and .m files from the relevant SDK folder underAdNetworkSupport.

We are so sorry for the inconvenience!