如何使用 AVInterstitialTimeRange 在 TVOS 上展示广告?
How to show ads on TVOS using AVInterstitialTimeRange?
播放电影时,我想使用 AVInterstitialTimeRange 显示一些广告。我可以在播放电影时在进度条上创建"dots",但我如何实际展示广告?
NSArray *adBreaks = result.adBreaks;
_player.player.currentItem.interstitialTimeRanges = adBreaks;
NSMutableArray *adBreaksCMTime = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
for(AdBreak *brk in adBreaks) {
CMTime seekingCM = CMTimeMake([brk adBreakTime], 1);
CMTime durationCM = CMTimeMake([brk adBreakDuration], 1);
AVInterstitialTimeRange *adTimeRange = [[AVInterstitialTimeRange alloc]initWithTimeRange:CMTimeRangeMake(seekingCM, durationCM)];
[adBreaksCMTime addObject:adTimeRange];
_player.player.currentItem.interstitialTimeRanges = adBreaksCMTime;
Quoth the docs(强调已加):
An AVInterstitialTimeRange
object identifies a time range in an audiovisual presentation as interstitial content, such as advertisements or legal notices. By associating interstitial time ranges with an AVPlayerItem
object you present with the AVPlayerViewController
class, you can customize or restrict the presentation of interstitial content. For example, you can allow the user to easily skip advertisements or prohibit skipping of a legal notice.
翻译:您不会使用此 API 来 展示 广告。您将广告作为与您的内容相同的媒体流的一部分呈现,或者可能通过一个 AVPlayerItem
播放电影时,我想使用 AVInterstitialTimeRange 显示一些广告。我可以在播放电影时在进度条上创建"dots",但我如何实际展示广告?
NSArray *adBreaks = result.adBreaks;
_player.player.currentItem.interstitialTimeRanges = adBreaks;
NSMutableArray *adBreaksCMTime = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
for(AdBreak *brk in adBreaks) {
CMTime seekingCM = CMTimeMake([brk adBreakTime], 1);
CMTime durationCM = CMTimeMake([brk adBreakDuration], 1);
AVInterstitialTimeRange *adTimeRange = [[AVInterstitialTimeRange alloc]initWithTimeRange:CMTimeRangeMake(seekingCM, durationCM)];
[adBreaksCMTime addObject:adTimeRange];
_player.player.currentItem.interstitialTimeRanges = adBreaksCMTime;
Quoth the docs(强调已加):
object identifies a time range in an audiovisual presentation as interstitial content, such as advertisements or legal notices. By associating interstitial time ranges with anAVPlayerItem
object you present with theAVPlayerViewController
class, you can customize or restrict the presentation of interstitial content. For example, you can allow the user to easily skip advertisements or prohibit skipping of a legal notice.
翻译:您不会使用此 API 来 展示 广告。您将广告作为与您的内容相同的媒体流的一部分呈现,或者可能通过一个 AVPlayerItem