Installshield 事件排序

Installshield event ordering

我有一个自定义设置对话框,允许用户使用 select 功能。


一旦用户单击下一步按钮,将根据 select 编辑的内容打开一个新对话框。


> New Dialog -> &FeatureA = 3 -> DialogA 
> New Dialog -> &FeatureB = 3 -> DialogB

显然这是简化的,实际上到处都是 OR 子句。

我的问题是,如果两个功能都selected,为什么即使在更改事件顺序之后,也只有对话框 B 打开?

注意ControlEvent Table的第二段:

The exception to note is that each control can publish a most one NewDialog or one SpawnDialog event. If you need to author multiple NewDialog and SpawnDialog control events in this table, also include conditional statements in the Condition fields that ensure at most one event is published. If multiple NewDialog and SpawnDialog control events are selected for the same control, only the event with the largest value in the Ordering column gets published when the control is activated.

您最好为给定控件上的所有 NewDialog 控件事件提供互斥条件。正确排序应该可以,但这很容易搞砸。