
override a static variable

我有两个 classes(模型和用户)但是我有一个问题所以我试图用一个简单的例子来解释它:

class person
    protected static $todo ="nothing";

    public function __construct(){}

    public function get_what_todo()
        echo self::$todo;

class student extends person
    protected static $todo ="studing";

$s = new student();
$s->get_what_todo(); // this will show the word (nothing)
                     //but I want to show the word (studing)



class person
    protected static $todo = null;

    public function __construct(){
        self::$todo = "nothing";

    public function get_what_todo()
        echo self::$todo;

class student extends person
    public function __construct() {
       self::$todo = "student";

$s = new student();

该原理称为“late static binding”,在PHP 5.3.0 中引入;使用 self 关键字访问继承树中调用 class 中定义的 属性,或使用 static 访问子 [=] 中定义的 属性 17=] 在该继承树中。

class person
    protected static $todo ="nothing";

    public function __construct(){}

    public function get_what_todo()
        echo static::$todo;  // change self:: to static::

class student extends person
    protected static $todo ="studying";

class teacher extends person
    protected static $todo ="marking";

class guest extends person

$s = new student();
$s->get_what_todo(); // this will show the "studying" from the instantiated child class

$t = new teacher();
$t->get_what_todo(); // this will show the "marking" from the instantiated child class

$g = new guest();
$g->get_what_todo(); // this will show the "nothing" from the parent class,
                     // because $todo is not overriden in the child class


class person
    protected static $todo = null;

    public function __construct(){
        self::$todo = "nothing";

    public function get_what_todo()
        echo self::$todo;

class student extends person
    public function __construct() {
       parent::$todo = "student";

$s = new student();


在 class 至少构造一次之前,它不会反映更改。当然,在 class 方法中,当您想始终访问被覆盖的变量时,不要忘记使用“static::”而不是“self::”来调用静态变量。

这是我的意思的一个例子: class Foo 是基础 class,class Bar 在其构造函数中更改变量,而 class Baz 在其声明中覆盖变量。

class Foo
    public static $a = "base";

class Bar extends Foo
    function __construct()
        self::$a = "overridden";

class Baz extends Foo
    public static $a = "overridden";

echo 'Foo: ' . Foo::$a . '<br>';
echo 'Bar: ' . Bar::$a . '<br>';
echo 'Baz: ' . Baz::$a . '<br>';
new Bar();
echo 'Bar after instantiation: ' . Bar::$a;


Foo: base
Bar: base
Baz: overridden
Bar after instantiation: overridden

如您所见,Bar 更改变量的方式在至少调用构造函数一次后才会生效。

EDIT: 但是,还有另一种永久可靠地编辑变量的方法:在 class 声明之后进行。如果您只需要修改一个变量而不是完全覆盖它,例如数组,这将特别方便。感觉有点脏,但理论上应该每次都能用。

class Foo
    public static $a = [
        'a' => 'a'

class Bar extends Foo
    public static $a;
Bar::$a = Foo::$a;
Bar::$a['b'] = 'b';

echo 'Foo: ' . print_r(Foo::$a, true) . '<br>';
echo 'Bar: ' . print_r(Bar::$a, true) . '<br>';


Foo: Array ( [a] => a )
Bar: Array ( [a] => a [b] => b ) 

编辑 2:ReflectionClass::getStaticPropertyValue 在我的测试中也采用了最后一种方法。