使用 web.py 上传 Excel

Upload Excel using web.py

我通过稍微修改 documentation

class Upload():
  def POST(self):
    print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
    x = web.input(file={})
    filedir = '/DiginUploads' # change this to the directory you want to store the file in.
    if 'file' in x: # to check if the file-object is created
        filepath=x.file.filename.replace('\','/') # replaces the windows-style slashes with linux ones.
        filename=filepath.split('/')[-1] # splits the and chooses the last part (the filename with extension)
        fout = open(filedir +'/'+ filename,'w') # creates the file where the uploaded file should be stored
        fout.write(x.file.file.read()) # writes the uploaded file to the newly created file.
        fout.close() # closes the file, upload complete.

但这仅适用于 csv 和 txt 文档。对于 Excel/pdf 等文件已创建但无法打开(已损坏)。我应该怎么做才能处理这种情况?



fout = open(filedir +'/'+ filename, 'wb')