
Deep (infinite) split words using regex


$line = "{This is my {sentence|words} I wrote.}"


This is my sentence I wrote.  
This is my words I wrote.  


$line = "{This is my {sentence|words} I wrote on a {sunny|cold} day.}";


This is my sentence I wrote on a sunny day.  
This is my sentence I wrote on a cold day.  
This is my words I wrote on a sunny day.
This is my words I wrote on a cold day.  


$res = explode("|", $line);  



$line = "{This is my {sentence|words} I wrote on a {sunny|cold} day.}";
$regex = "{[^{}]*}";
$match = [];

preg_match($regex, $line, $match);


正如已经说过的,它可以无限大,因此没有限制,在 for 循环中是合适的。

看看这个。我通过用 %s 替换你的模式并使用 vsprintf,然后递归循环匹配来完成它。


Here is a working example.

$line = "{This is my {sentence|statement} I {wrote|typed} on a {hot|cold} {day|night}.}";
$matches = getMatches($line);
printWords([], $matches, $line);

// function to find patterns in the line. Takes $line by reference to replace pattern matches with a vsprintf placeholder
function getMatches(&$line) {
    // remove beginning and trailing brackets on the main sentence
    $line = trim($line, '{}'); 

    // initialize variable that will hold the list of pattern matches
    $matches = null;

    // look for an opening curly brace and skip everything until the ending curly brace
    $pattern = '/\{[^}]+\}/';

    // find all matches and put them in $matches
    preg_match_all($pattern, $line, $matches);

    // preg_match_all nests one level deeper than we need
    $matches = $matches[0];

    // replace all matches with a %s placeholder
    $line = preg_replace($pattern, '%s', $line);

    // split each of the matches by vertical pipe
    foreach ($matches as $index => $match) {
        $matches[$index] = explode('|', trim($match, '{}'));

    return $matches;

// recursive function. $args will be used as the second argument to vsprintf
function printWords(array $args, array $matches, $line) {
    // get the first element in the array of $matches, remove it from the array
    $current = array_shift($matches);

    // keep track of the current $args index for this recursive iteration
    $currentArgIndex = count($args);

    // loop through each of the words in the current set of matches
    foreach ($current as $word) {
        // update $args and set the vsprintf argument at this iteration's position to the next word in the set of words
        $args[$currentArgIndex] = $word;

        if (!empty($matches)) {
            // repeat this process (recursively) until we are at the end of the list of matches
            printWords($args, $matches, $line);
        } else {
            // if this is the last match in the line, echo the sentence with all args from previous recursive iterations added
            echo vsprintf($line, $args) . '<br />';


This is my sentence I wrote on a hot day.
This is my sentence I wrote on a hot night.
This is my sentence I wrote on a cold day.
This is my sentence I wrote on a cold night.
This is my sentence I typed on a hot day.
This is my sentence I typed on a hot night.
This is my sentence I typed on a cold day.
This is my sentence I typed on a cold night.
This is my statement I wrote on a hot day.
This is my statement I wrote on a hot night.
This is my statement I wrote on a cold day.
This is my statement I wrote on a cold night.
This is my statement I typed on a hot day.
This is my statement I typed on a hot night.
This is my statement I typed on a cold day.
This is my statement I typed on a cold night.