
Determine whether or not a conjunction of logical conditions can be satisfied without looping


there are two numbers E1 and E2 

E1 = A * x + B* y + C* z, and E2 = A * p + B * q + C * r

Value of A, B, C are different positive integers.

Value of x, y, z, p, q, r may be the same, and they are positive integers.

我们是否可以为 A, B, C, x, y, z, p, q, r 取任何值,以便满足以下所有条件?


A=1, B=2, C=3
x=1, y=3, z=1
p=2, q=1, r=2

A*x+B*y+C*z = 1+6+3 = 10
A*p+B*q+C*r = 2+2+6 = 10

x+y+z = 5 = p+q+r