
How can I get input edges of a given vertex on a directed graph?


假设我有图 1 -> 2 -> 3,我持有顶点 2,我想获得顶点 1


struct TreeVertex   {  int id = -1;  };

typedef boost::adjacency_list<
    > tree_t;

显示我想要实现的目标的 MVCE(参见 online here):

int main() {
    tree_t tree;
    auto v1 = boost::add_vertex( tree );    
    auto v2 = boost::add_vertex( tree );    
    auto v3 = boost::add_vertex( tree );    
    boost::add_edge( v1, v2, tree );
    boost::add_edge( v2, v3, tree );

// attempt to get the input edge of v2
    auto pair_it_edge = boost::in_edges( v2, tree ); // FAILS TO BUILD  
    auto v = boost::source( *pair_it_edge.first ); // should be v1

Another answer 建议将图形转换为 BidirectionalGraph 但我需要保持它的方向性。

问题:这可能吗?如何获取 v2 的传入边,以便提取 v1 ?

如果不使用双向图,您将不得不对所有节点进行强力搜索,寻找以顶点 2 作为其子节点的节点。

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
using namespace std;
   using namespace boost;

struct TreeVertex   {  int id = -1;  };

typedef boost::adjacency_list<
    > tree_t;

    tree_t tree;

int main() {

    auto v1 = boost::add_vertex( tree );    
    auto v2 = boost::add_vertex( tree );    
    auto v3 = boost::add_vertex( tree );    
    boost::add_edge( v1, v2, tree );
    boost::add_edge( v2, v3, tree );

    int looking_for = 2;

    typename graph_traits < tree_t >::out_edge_iterator ei, ei_end;
    for( int v = 0; v < num_edges( tree ); v++ )
    for (boost::tie(ei, ei_end) = out_edges(v, tree); ei != ei_end; ++ei) {
    auto source = boost::source ( *ei, tree );
    auto target = boost::target ( *ei, tree );
    if( target == looking_for )
        std::cout << "There is an edge from " << source <<  " to " << target << std::endl;

// create an inverted edge tree to search for parents
tree_t invtree;
boost::add_edge( v2, v1, invtree );
boost::add_edge( v1, v3, invtree );
typename graph_traits < tree_t >::adjacency_iterator it, it_end;
for (tie(it, it_end) = adjacent_vertices(v2, invtree ); it != it_end; ++it) 
    std::cout << "There is an inv edge from " <<  v2
        << " to " << *it << std::endl;

    return 0;

可能值得创建一个具有倒边的临时树作为图的 'copy' 以简化对父节点的搜索。在发布的代码末尾有类似 invtree 的东西。