iAd 外部 window 弹出窗口

iAd external window popup

谁能告诉我我需要在我的 ViewController 中输入什么,这样当用户最终点击 iAd 横幅时,它会在单独的 window 中打开,而不是在我的 window 中打开应用程序?目前,iAd 横幅已全部设置为 ViewController。

在苹果文档中,他们有 属性:

A Boolean value that states whether the banner is currently executing an user-triggered action. (read-only)

@property(nonatomic, readonly, getter=isBannerViewActionInProgress) BOOL bannerViewActionInProgress
Advertisements have an action that is triggered when the user taps the banner. Some actions remain in the application, covering the application’s user interface until the action completes. The value of this property is YES when such an action is running; otherwise it is NO.

Your application should avoid polling this property. Instead, implement the delegate methods to detect when an action begins or ends.

Available in iOS 4.0 and later.
Declared In
