std::atomic 的默认值是多少?

What's the default value for a std::atomic?

我发现在实践中,对于各种 C++11/C++14 编译器,std::atomic 具有未定义的初始值,就像它是 "raw" 一样类型。也就是说,我们期望表达式

int a;

a 可能有任何值。事实证明,对于表达式

std::atomic< int > b;

b 也可能有任何值。换句话说,

std::atomic< int > b;         // b is undefined


std::atomic< int > b{ 0 };    // b == 0


std::atomic< int > b{};       // b == 0


我的问题很简单:在 C++11 或 C++14 规范中的何处记录了此行为?

[atomics.types.generic]/5 关于积分特化的说法:

The atomic integral specializations and the specialization atomic shall have standard layout. They shall each have a trivial default constructor and a trivial destructor. They shall each support aggregate initialization syntax.


atomic() noexcept = default;

效果在 [atomic.types.operations]/4 中定义为:

Effects: leaves the atomic object in an uninitialized state.

§ 29.6.5 [atomics.types.operations.req] N 4140 的第 4 节(C++14 的最终草案)说:

A ::A () noexcept = default;

Effects: leaves the atomic object in an uninitialized state. [ Note: These semantics ensure compatibility with C. — end note ]
