
Using Search Replace for Multiple File Get Contents Param

和朋友一起制作愚人节笑话。基本上,我们是 file_get_contents(); 一篇当地报纸文章,并对特定名称和图像 URL 执行 str_replace();。我们要替换什么都不重要,我面临的问题是执行多个搜索/替换值。


// Let's April Fool!
$readfile = 'URL-police-searching-for-bank-robbery-suspect';
$pull = file_get_contents($readfile);
$suspectname = 'Suspect Name';
$newname = 'New Name';
echo str_replace($suspectname, $newname, $pull);

我想搜索/替换页面上的内容,例如名称、img src URL 等。我替换的内容无关紧要,如果可以的话,我可以弄清楚细节进行多次搜索/替换。




$pull = "the suspect was last seen wearing a black hoodie and trainers. Have you seen this man? www.local_police.com/bank_robber.jpg";
echo $pull . "\n";

$dictionary = array("the suspect" => "friend_name", "hoodie" => "swimsuit", "trainers" => "adult diaper", "www.local_police.com/bank_robber.jpg" => "www.linkedlin.com/friend_profile_pic.jpg" );

foreach ($dictionary as $key => $value){
    $pull = str_replace($key, $value, $pull);

echo $pull . "\n";


user@box:~/$ php prank.php 
the suspect was last seen wearing a black hoodie and trainers. Have you seen this man? www.local_police.com/bank_robber.jpg
friend_name was last seen wearing a black swimsuit and adult diaper. Have you seen this man? www.linkedlin.com/friend_profile_pic.jpg

@jDo 回答了我的问题并让我开始了,但我想分享最终产品。这是我想出的:

// Using file_get_contents(); in an array   
// Define the file we want to get contents from in a variable
$readfile = 'http://adomainname.com/page/etc';
// Variable to read the contents of our file into a string
$pull = file_get_contents($readfile);
// Define stuff to be replaced
$find_stuff = 'Find Stuff';
$replace_stuff = 'Replace Stuff';
$find_more_stuff = 'Find More Stuff';
$replace_more_stuff  = 'Replace More Stuff';
// Variable to create the array that stores multiple values in one single variable
$find_replace = [ // Let's start our array
                $find_stuff => $replace_stuff,
                $find_more_stuff => $replace_more_stuff,
                ];// Close the array

// This is where the magic happens
foreach ($find_replace as $key => $value){ // Now we take our array of each key and value
$pull = str_replace($key, $value, $pull); // Will look for matched keys and replace them with our new values 

echo $pull; // That's it