android 通用图像加载器内存不足

android universal image loader out of memory

我正在加载大约 50 张图片。在我的 activity 我有这个配置

    DisplayImageOptions defaultOptions = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()
            .displayer(new FadeInBitmapDisplayer(300))

    ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(getApplicationContext())
        .memoryCache(new WeakMemoryCache())
        .diskCacheSize(100 * 1024 * 1024)



ImageLoader imageLoader = ImageLoader.getInstance();
imageLoader.displayImage(uri, holder.iv_img);

有些图像已加载,但有些未加载,我收到 OutOfMemory 错误。

查看来自 Useful Info


If you often got OutOfMemoryError in your app using Universal Image Loader then:

  1. Disable caching in memory. If OOM is still occurs then it seems your app has a memory leak. Use MemoryAnalyzer to detect it. Otherwise try the following steps (all of them or several):
  2. Reduce thread pool size in configuration (.threadPoolSize(...)). 1 - 5 is recommended.
  3. Use .bitmapConfig(Bitmap.Config.RGB_565) in display options. Bitmaps in RGB_565 consume 2 times less memory than in ARGB_8888.
  4. Use .imageScaleType(ImageScaleType.EXACTLY) (Your already use this tips)
  5. Use .diskCacheExtraOptions(480, 320, null) in configuration


1.I 建议您查看 Facebook 的 图片管理库 与其他图片加载库相比,Fresco 非常棒且成熟.

2.Fresco 使用 3 层架构(BITMAP_MEMORY_CACHEENCODED_MEMORY_CACHEDISK_CACHE)处理所有图像缓存。 它还减少了 OOM(内存不足)问题。当视图中的图像超出屏幕时,它会自动回收位图,从而释放内存。

3.Fresco 具有 SimpleDraweeView 作为自定义图像视图,它支持圆角和圆形 link 并支持动画(.gif.webp)以及普通图片(.jpg, .png).